Mac Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v3.08, by Herong Yang
Mac Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
Copyright © 1999-2023 Herong Yang. All rights reserved.
This book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning macOS. Topics include Macintosh OS history; macOS basic functionalities; storage file systems; reviewing resource usage on running processes; installing productivity and programming tools; installing Java and related tools; installing Apache Web server and MySQL database server; using Keychain Access to manage passwords and certificates. Updated in 2023 (Version v3.08) with minor changes.
Table of Contents
Macintosh OS (Operating System) History
Macintosh - The First GUI Based Personal Computer
System Software - The Original Mac OS Operating System
Macintosh Models and Release Years
macOS System Info, Version and Upgrade
Installed Applications on macOS
Change System Language Preference on macOS
Keyboard and Mouse Click Shortcuts on macOS
System and Application Processes
"nettop" - Processes Top Network Usages
"Finder" Process - File Browser on Mac
"WindowServer" Process - Drawing Graphics on Screen
"Siri" Processes - Voice Command Interpreter
"mds" Processes - Metadata Server and Spotlight
"spindump" Processes - Dump Memory Contents
"login" Processes - Login Window and Services
"softwareupdate" Processes - Update System and Apps
"TeamsUpdater" Process from Microsoft Teams
Keychain Access - Password Manager
What Is Keychain Access on macOS
Manage Passwords Stored in Keychain
"X" App Wants to Use "login" Keychain
Keychain Access - Certificate Manager
Using Keychain Access as Certificate Manager
Listing of Trusted Root CA in macOS
Exporting Root Certificate to File from macOS
Delete/Untrust Certificates from macOS
Import Server Certificates to macOS
Create My Own Root CA on macOS
Review My Root CA Certificate on macOS
Review Private Key of My CA Certificate on macOS
Generate CSR (Certificate Signing Request) on macOS
Issue New Certificate with My CA on macOS
Verify Certificate Signed by My CA on macOS
Manage Keychains with Commands
Keychain File Locations on macOS
CA Certificates at "/etc/ssl | /private/etc/ssl"
macOS Terminal - Command Line Window
Install FTP Client - FileZilla
Install Office Software - OpenOffice
Install New Version of Python on macOS
pip3 - Package Installer for Python 3
Install MySQL Database Server on macOS
PHP mysqli_connect() Error on "localhost"
Install SQuirreL SQL Client on macOS
Connect SQuirreL to MySQL on macOS
Install SQuirreL SQL Scripts Plugins
Develop and Run Java Applications
Install JDK (Java Development Kit) on macOS
The Simplest Maven Project File
Use "profile" in Maven Project File
Use "parent" in Maven Project File
Install FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) on macOS
Keywords: Mac, Macintosh, macOS, Tutorials