Install UNRAR

This section provides a tutorial on how to install and use UNRAR on macOS to extra files from *.rar files.

If you want to extra files from RAR files (*.rar) on macOS, you can install and use "UNRAR". It's free and easy to use.

1. Try to install it from UNRAR binary package:

herong$ brew install unrar

Error: unrar: no bottle available!
You can try to install from source with e.g.
  brew install --build-from-source unrar

2. If the binary package is not available as shown above, try to install it from UNRAR source package:

herong$ brew install --build-from-source unrar

==> Downloading
######################################################### 100.0%
==> make
==> make clean
==> make lib
  /usr/local/Cellar/unrar/6.0.1: 6 files, 521.1KB, built in 11 seconds

3. Try the "unrar" command after the installation:

herong$ unrar
UNRAR 6.00 beta 1 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2020 Alexander Roshal

Usage:     unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
               <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>

  e             Extract files without archived paths
  l[t[a],b]     List archive contents [technical[all], bare]
  p             Print file to stdout
  t             Test archive files
  v[t[a],b]     Verbosely list archive contents [technical[all],bare]
  x             Extract files with full path

  -             Stop switches scanning
  @[+]          Disable [enable] file lists
  ad[1,2]       Alternate destination path
  ag[format]    Generate archive name using the current date
  ai            Ignore file attributes
  ap<path>      Set path inside archive
  c-            Disable comments show
  cfg-          Disable read configuration

4. Use "unrar" command extract files from a *.rar file:

herong$ unrar x pics.rar 

UNRAR 6.00 beta 1 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2020 Alexander Roshal

Extracting from pics.rar

Creating    pics                  OK
Extracting  pics/IMG_8125.PNG     OK 
Extracting  pics/IMG_8126.PNG     OK 
Extracting  pics/IMG_8127.PNG     OK 

Cool, I can extra files from *.rar files now!

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Macintosh OS (Operating System) History

 macOS Operating System

 macOS File Systems

 macOS Network Connections

 System and Application Processes

 Keychain Access - Password Manager

 Keychain Access - Certificate Manager

Productivity Tools on macOS

 macOS Terminal - Command Line Window

 Install Text Editor - Atom

 Install FTP Client - FileZilla

 Install Office Software - OpenOffice

 Install WeChat on macOS

 Install VPN Plus

Install UNRAR

 Install PDFwriter

 Install Speedtest CLI

 Programming Tools on macOS

 Apache Web Server on macOS

 Develop and Run Java Applications

 Full Version in PDF/EPUB