Macintosh Models and Release Years

This section provides a quick list of major Macintosh models and their release years.

Major Macintosh models and timeline:

Here is a picture of Steve Jobs with a MacBook Air in 2008 (Source:

Macintosh Mac OS Desktop in 1984
Macintosh Mac OS Desktop in 1984

Table of Contents

 About This Book

Macintosh OS (Operating System) History

 Macintosh - The First GUI Based Personal Computer

 System Software - The Original Mac OS Operating System

Macintosh Models and Release Years

 macOS Operating System

 macOS File Systems

 macOS Network Connections

 System and Application Processes

 Keychain Access - Password Manager

 Keychain Access - Certificate Manager

 Productivity Tools on macOS

 Programming Tools on macOS

 Apache Web Server on macOS

 Develop and Run Java Applications

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