Sanger Sequencing Test Report

This section provides a Sanger Sequencing test report example with a chromatogram. The Sanger Sequencing test is used to validate the result of a NGS test.

Sanger sequencing is still considered as the “gold standard” for validating DNA sequences, because it has a 99.99% base accuracy.

Below are two related reports for the same patient.

1. Blood Tumor whole Transcriptome Sequencing Report As you can see, this report identifies a single mutation on a single gene TP53 from tumor tissue.

Report Date: 07/30/2021
Clinical Diagnosis: ALL
Tumor Tissue: Tissue

Type            Tier     Mutation              Clinical Significance
-------------   ------   --------              ---------------------
Gene Mutation   Tier I   TP53 D281_R282>DQTW   Strong Significance with ALL

Gene  Chr:Start      Ntchange            Amino_Acids     Vaf
----  ---------      --------            -----------     ___
TP53  chr17:7577093  c.844_845insAGACCT  D281_R282>DQTM  80%

2. Mutation Site Validation Report

Report Date: 09/20/2021
Clinical Diagnosis: ALL
Germline Tissue: Saliva

Gene  Mutation             VAF[1]  Reference Site           Validation[2]
----  --------             ------  --------------           ----------
TP53  c.844_845insAGACCT:  80%     TGGGAGAGACC[]GGCGCACAGA  Negative

  [1] VAF was from previous NGS test
  [2] Validation is from this PCR test

This report looks very confusing. The first 4 columns describe a TP53 mutation with a VAF of 80%. But the last column says "Negative"!

You need to read the footnotes to understand what this report is trying to tell you:

Fortunately, the TP53 mutation was found in germline tissue. So it is not inherited. It seems to be limited in cancel cells only.

The Sanger Sequencing chromatogram given at the end of the second report confirms the above understanding.

Sanger Sequencing Chromatogram Validation - Negative
Sanger Sequencing Chromatogram Validation - Negative

As you can see, the report DNA sequence fragment matches with the reference sequence. The insertion of "AGACCT" at position 845 (identified by the red bar in the middle of the chromatogram) reported from the NGS test on tumor tissue was not found here on germline tissue.

The above reports also give us a good example on how to read mutation notations:


  c.844_845insAGACCT - Describes the DNA mutation 
  p.D281_R282>DQTW   - Described the protein mutation

Mutation site:

It is very easy to understand what happened the gene:

TP53 gene sequence mutation: c.844_845insAGACCT
                          844      845
  Reference: ...TGGGAGAGAC C[      ]G GCGCACAGA...

But it is not so easy to understand what happened the protein, because the report uses the non-standard ">" notation. It seems to me that ">" is equivalent to "delins".

TP53 protein sequence mutation: p.D281_R282>DQTW
  Amino acids "DR" at positions 281 and 282 are replaced by "DQTW",
  which is equivalent to "R282>QTW".

The best way to understand the protein mutation is to derive it from the DNA mutation as shown below:

At the DNA level: c.844_845insAGACCT
                          844      845
  Reference: ...TGGGAGAGAC C[      ]G GCGCACAGA...

Translate it to protein: 
                              844       845
  DNA:       ...T GGG AGA GAC C[        ]GG CGC ACA GA...
                          --- ------------- ---
  Protein:                Asp      Arg      Arg
                           D        R        R
                          281      282      283  

                               844      845
                          --- ---- --- ---- --- 
  Protein:                Asp  Gln Thr  Trp Arg
                           D    Q   T    W   R        
                          281               283

Protein mutation: 
  D281_R282 replaced by "DQTW"
  or R282 replaced by "QTW"

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of Molecules

 Molecule Names and Identifications

 Molecule Mass and Weight

 Protein and Amino Acid

 Nucleobase, Nucleoside, Nucleotide, DNA and RNA

 Gene and Chromosome

 Protein Kinase (PK)

 DNA Sequencing

Gene Mutation

 What Is Gene Mutation

 What Is Point Mutation

 Base-Pair Insertion and Deletion

 Gene Mutation Inheritance Likelihood

 Types of Genetic Testing

 Mutation Detection with NGS

 What Is Allele Frequency

 What Is VCF (Variant Calling Format)

 "vcftools" - VCF Utility Command

 What Is VAF (Variant Allele Frequency)

 Gene Mutation Naming Convention

 Gene Mutation Test Report

 What Is ctDNA Testing

Sanger Sequencing Test Report

 SDF (Structure Data File)

 PyMol Installation

 PyMol GUI and CLI

 PyMol Selections

 PyMol Editing Functions

 PyMol Measurement Functions

 PyMol Movie Functions

 PyMol Python Integration

 PyMol Object Functions

 ChEMBL Database - European Molecular Biology Laboratory

 PubChem Database - National Library of Medicine

 PDB (Protein Data Bank)

 INSDC (International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration)

 HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee)

 Relocated Tutorials

 Resources and Tools

 Molecule Related Terminologies


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