Molecule Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
∟Protein Kinase (PK)
This chapter provides quick introductions about protein kinases.
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What Is Enzyme
What Is PK (Protein Kinase)
Protein Kinase Classification
Protein Kinase Structure
Protein Kinase ATP Binding Site
Protein Kinase Activation Cascade
Protein Kinase Inhibitors
- An enzyme is a protein or RNA that acts as a biological catalyst, increasing the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs.
The human body probably contains about 10,000 different enzymes.
- A Kinase is a special enzyme that catalyzes the phosphoryl transfer reaction from a phosphate donor to a receptor substrate.
- A PK (Protein Kinase) is a special kinase that catalyzes proteins by transferring phosphate groups from ATPs (Adenosine TriphosPhates) to them.
- There are about 550 types of Protein Kinases in our body and responsible for phosphorylating about one third of all proteins in our body.
- All Protein Kinases share a similar structure which has two distinct subdomains, a smaller N-terminal lobe (N-lobe) and a larger C-terminal lobe (C-lobe), linked by a short Hinge loop.
- A Protein Kinase Activation is the phosphorylation process of a protein kinase that changes its state from inactive to active and becomes ready to phosphorylates other proteins.
- A Protein Kinase Activation Cascade is a sequence of Protein Kinase Activations where an activated protein kinase activates another protein kinase which in turn activates another protein kinase, and so on.
- A Protein Kinase Inhibitor is a small molecule that docks into a pocket of a protein kinase to inhibits, or blocks, its phosphorylation, or catalysis, function.
Table of Contents
About This Book
Introduction of Molecules
Molecule Names and Identifications
Molecule Mass and Weight
Protein and Amino Acid
Nucleobase, Nucleoside, Nucleotide, DNA and RNA
Gene and Chromosome
►Protein Kinase (PK)
DNA Sequencing
Gene Mutation
SDF (Structure Data File)
PyMol Installation
PyMol GUI and CLI
PyMol Selections
PyMol Editing Functions
PyMol Measurement Functions
PyMol Movie Functions
PyMol Python Integration
PyMol Object Functions
ChEMBL Database - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
PubChem Database - National Library of Medicine
PDB (Protein Data Bank)
INSDC (International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration)
HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee)
Relocated Tutorials
Resources and Tools
Molecule Related Terminologies
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