Molecule Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
∟PyMol Movie Functions
This chapter provides quick introductions on using PyMol to build movies for help visualizing molecules in PyMol.
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What Is State in PyMol
Frames and "mset" Command
"mplay" Command and Movie Settings
mdo" Command to Change Views
"madd/minsert/mdelete/mcopy/mmove" Commands
"until.mroll()" - Movie Rolling Function
"movie.produce" - Export Movie File in MPEG Format
- PyMol uses the "state" concept to represent a particular arrangement of
molecule structure objects.
- PyMol creates new states when loading multiple molecule structures from files.
- PyMol uses the "frame" concept to
represent a single image in a set of still images
that generates moving pictures when played sequentially at a high speed.
- PyMol defines frames with the "mset" command based on states.
- PyMol "mplay" command lets you to play all frames at a given frame rate
and other movie settings.
- PyMol "mdo" command lets you to specify commands to be executed when
a given frame is played.
- PyMol "madd/minsert/mdelete/mcopy/mmove" commands let you to update frames
already defined in the movie set.
- PyMol "until.mroll()" function lets you to generate "mdo" commands for a range
of frame to roll the camera 360 degrees.
- PyMol "movie.produce" command lets you to export movie to a file in MPEG file.
Table of Contents
About This Book
Introduction of Molecules
Molecule Names and Identifications
Molecule Mass and Weight
Protein and Amino Acid
Nucleobase, Nucleoside, Nucleotide, DNA and RNA
Gene and Chromosome
Protein Kinase (PK)
DNA Sequencing
Gene Mutation
SDF (Structure Data File)
PyMol Installation
PyMol GUI and CLI
PyMol Selections
PyMol Editing Functions
PyMol Measurement Functions
►PyMol Movie Functions
PyMol Python Integration
PyMol Object Functions
ChEMBL Database - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
PubChem Database - National Library of Medicine
PDB (Protein Data Bank)
INSDC (International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration)
HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee)
Relocated Tutorials
Resources and Tools
Molecule Related Terminologies
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