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Poisson Bracket and Hamilton Equations
This section describes Hamilton Equations in terms of the Poisson brackets.
2024-12-14, ∼118🔥, 0💬

Poisson Bracket Expression
This chapter provides an introduction of phase space and phase portrait. Topics include Poisson Bracket as a partial differential expression; Hamilton Equations in Poisson Brackets; total time derivative of observables.
2024-12-14, ∼116🔥, 0💬

Observables in Phase Space
This section describes observables in phase space in terms of the Poisson brackets.
2024-12-14, ∼115🔥, 0💬

Poisson Bracket in Portrait Space Transformation
This section describes observables in phase space in terms of the Poisson brackets.
2024-12-14, ∼109🔥, 0💬

What Is Poisson Bracket
This section provides a quick introduction to Poisson Bracket, which is an operation of two functions on the phase space (q,p) of a system.
2024-12-14, ∼107🔥, 0💬

The Constancy of the Speed of Light
This section provides a thought experiment to help understanding the second assumption of the special theory of relativity: The constancy of the speed of light.
2024-08-08, ∼1930🔥, 75💬

💬 2024-06-25 Hiroji Kurihara: Speed of Starlight A glass cube is floating horizontally in outer space. Two rays of starlight coming from the left and right ar...

💬 2022-11-19 Hiroji Kurihara: Light is Propagated in Two Ways              In outer space, a starlight is reflected by a mirror. There is a formula c = ...

💬 2022-04-30 Hiroji kurihara: Herong, Thanks, for accepting my comments. Now, URL of my web-site is as follows, http://lifeafterdeath.vip/eng.html

💬 2022-04-27 Hiroji kurihara: Sorry, last a few words of my post (04-25's) are missing. It is.... m<m/2+m/2.

💬 2018-12-18 Herong: Hiroji, Thanks for sharing your comment and the article. I will definitely read it.

(More comments ...)

What Is Lorentz Factor
This section introduces Lorentz Factor, which is the factor used in the time dilation and other formulas in special relativity.
2023-12-10, ∼7494🔥, 7💬

💬 2023-08-03 Victor: You switched which time is proper time and which is dilated time. T' should be the elapsed time of the person at rest.

💬 2022-04-20 Tom: Thankd

💬 2019-08-29 Carl Burrnett: This was immensely helpful in my pursuit of trying to understand theoretical physics.

💬 2017-09-24 Shuvojit khan: There is anothere equation ΔE=PΔT

💬 2017-04-30 Abhishek Dogra: Thanks

Falling Ball in Earth Frame of Reference
This section provides an example of a falling ball in the Earth frame of reference, where we need to add the gravitational force to make Newton's First and Second Laws of Motion valid.
2023-03-18, ∼243🔥, 1💬

List of Various Durations
This section lists various durations to give us a sense of scale about time.
2022-12-26, ∼105🔥, 0💬

Lagrangian in Cartesian Coordinates
This section provides a quick introduction to the Lagrangian in Cartesian coordinates, expressed in terms of r, r' and t.
2022-12-08, ∼104🔥, 0💬

Hamilton's Principle - Stationary Action
This section provides an introduction of Action, an integral of Lagrangian function of a given system between two time instances.
2022-11-30, ∼101🔥, 0💬

Action - Functional of Position Function x(t)
This section describes the Action S as a functional of position function x(t).
2022-11-20, ∼100🔥, 0💬

Hamilton Equations in Cartesian Coordinates
This section provides a quick introduction to the Hamilton Equations in Cartesian Coordinates, partial derivative equations on the Hamiltonian function against position r and momentum p for an isolated conservative system.
2022-11-20, ∼104🔥, 0💬

Hamiltonian on Simple Harmonic Motion
This section provides an example of calculating the Hamiltonian on a mechanical system of an single object in simple harmonic motion and applying the Law of Conservation of Energy.
2022-11-16, ∼106🔥, 0💬

Measuring Speed of Light - Roemer's Method
This section describes the method used by Ole Roemer to measure the speed of light using changes of observed eclipse periods of Jupiter's moon.
2022-11-12, ∼1230🔥, 3💬

💬 2022-06-22 nina: :))))

What Is Lagrange Equation
This section describes the Lagrange Equation states that the time derivative of the partial derivative Lagrangian against velocity equals to the partial derivative Lagrangian against position. A proof is provided to show that the Lagrange Equation is equivalent to the Hamilton Principle.
2022-11-11, ∼104🔥, 0💬

Lagrange Equations in Cartesian Coordinates
This section provides a quick introduction to the Lagrange Equations in Cartesian coordinates, expressed in terms of r, r' and t.
2022-11-10, ∼100🔥, 0💬

Elapsed Time between Distant Events
This section provides a thought experiment to demonstrate that elapsed times between two events that happen at different locations in a moving frame may be observed as contracted or dilated from a stationary frame.
2022-11-07, ∼106🔥, 0💬

Newton's Laws of Motion
This chapter provides an introduction of Newton's Laws of Motion. Topics include Newton's First, Second and Third Laws of Motion; dependency on frame of reference; the gravitational force; the fictitious force.
2022-11-07, ∼113🔥, 0💬

Lagrange Equation on Simple Harmonic Motion
This section provides a quick introduction to the Hamiltonian function, the total energy of the system, which is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of the system.
2022-11-06, ∼102🔥, 0💬

Introduction of Generalized Coordinates
This chapter provides an introduction of Generalized Coordinates. Topics include introduction of generalized position, velocity and momentum; Lagrange Equations and Hamilton Equations in generalized coordinates; Legendre Transformation.
2022-11-05, ∼106🔥, 0💬

Introduction of Spacetime
This chapter provides an introduction of spacetime. Topics include definition of spacetime; world line of an object in a spacetime frame; light cone of an event in a spacetime frame.
2022-11-05, ∼106🔥, 0💬

List of Various Distances and Lengths
This section lists various distances and lengths to give us a sense of scale about space.
2022-11-05, ∼101🔥, 0💬

What Is Momentum
This section provides a quick introduction of momentum defined as the product of the mass and the velocity of a moving object.
2022-11-04, ∼105🔥, 0💬

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