Kalkati.net, XML database dump

'XML Schema Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples' tutorial book was cited in an XML database dump documentation in 2005.

The XML Schema Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples tutorial book was cited in an XML database dump documentation in 2005.

Subject: Kalkati.net, XML database dump
Date: 2005
Author: Kalkati.net
Source: http://developer.reittiopas.fi/pages/en

2.5 XML schema

XML Schema is a standard by W3C that is used to specify data models of
XML documents. In a schema document is specified the elements and data
types that may be used in the instance documents (in documents that
are based on the schema).

Below is listed some links for a developer to get started with XML
Schema. The links include the official XML Schema specification,
references and tutorials.

    * www.w3.org/XML/Schema
    * www.w3schools.com/Schema/Schema_Elements_Ref.Asp
    * www.w3schools.com/schema/
    * www.herongyang.com/XML-Schema/
    * www.thescarms.com/xml/SchemaTutorial.aspx
    * www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/11/29/schemas/part1.html

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Kalkati.net, XML database dump


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