Encoding a C String/Buffer with ASCII Char

'UUEncode Encoding' tutorial was cited in a Fedora Forum article in 2005.

The UUEncode Encoding tutorial was cited in a Fedora Forum article in 2005. Note that my Geocities site has been moved to herongyang.com now.

Subject: Re: encoding a C string/buffer with ASCII char
Date: Mar 28, 2005
Source: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-49537.html
Author: tashirosgt

I think there are several slightly different algorithms that go by
the name uuencode. One is described on


Do you want to apply that algorithm to a string? Or do you want an
encryption algorithm?

You are correct that uuencode only handles files. It is a process that
also transmits information about a file and its permissions. So
applying it to a string would not be well-defined.

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Encoding a C String/Buffer with ASCII Char

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