Reference Citations - - v2.95, by Herong Yang
AIProject Log
'DTD (Document Type Definition) - XML Validation' tutorial was cited in AIProject Log document in 2005.
The DTD (Document Type Definition) - XML Validation tutorial was cited in AIProject Log document in 2005. Note that my Geocities site has been moved to now.
Subject: AIProject Log Date: Oct 10, 2005 Author: Wouter & Lee GWML Source: Finally a break-through! We decided to get rid of the jing/jarv/jdk5 integration crap and go for our own custom solution! the W3C? schema was already working by default using the new javax.xml.validation libraries, but the relax ng should've worked also, but apparently not. We managed to get the jing library working separately and then wouter did a nice job with integrating it with a wrapper facade on top of W3C? and Relax NG. Lee looked for the DTD integration (source: We are going to integrate the whole stuff tomorrow (smile) The GWML language is also almost finished. We will soon issue the GWML language to the other teams and start writing XSLT files to transform it to html. We are getting finally back on the right track (big grin)
Table of Contents, XML database dump
Japanese Chinese Tea Web Sites
Softwaretechnik-Praktikum SS 2005
How to develop a scanner/disinfector
Encoding a C String/Buffer with ASCII Char
mysql 5alpha stored procedures vs mssql