Ethereum Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v1.06, by Herong Yang
Download and Install "geth" 1.8.2
This section describes how to download and install 'geth' 1.8.2.
In order to resolve the block truncation problem, I downloaded and installed "geth" 1.8.2:
Go to And click on Windows tab.
Click on "Geth 1.8.2 ... Archive 64-bit" to download the 64-bit version.
Unzip downloaded file: and copy geth.exe to C:\herong\bin\geth.exe.
Check the version string to confirm the installation:
C:\> \herong\bin\geth.exe version Geth Version: 1.8.2-stable Git Commit: b8b9f7f4476a30a0aaf6077daade6ae77f969960 Architecture: amd64 Protocol Versions: [63 62] Network Id: 1 Go Version: go1.9.2 Operating System: windows GOPATH= GOROOT=c:\go
Okay, I have "geth" 1.8.2 64-bit version installed now.
Table of Contents
Deprecated: Testnet - Ropsten Network
64-Bit "geth" for Private Ethereum Network
►Private Network with Custom Genesis Block
Run "miner" with Lower Difficulty
Check Mining Rewards on My Account
Pre-Allocate Ether in Genesis Block
Build Ethereum Private Network Properly
Blockchain Difficulty Level and Growth Rate
"Head State Missing" Error on Restarting "geth"
►Download and Install "geth" 1.8.2
Run and Restart with "geth" 1.8.2
Transferring Funds between Ether Accounts
MetaMask - Browser Based Ethereum Wallet
Getting Free Ether on Test Networks