Send Ether from MetaMask to Private Network

This section describes how to send Ether from the MetaMask account to my Ether private network.

I have fixed the issue with the network ID and chainId on my private network. So I tried to send some Ethers from my MetaMask wallet to by "geth" wallet.

1. On "geth" console, pick up the address my second account:

> receiver = eth.accounts[1]

> web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(receiver),"ether")

2. On MetaMask, click "SEND" to get the send form. Then fill in the receiver address and 2 Ethers.

3. Click "SUBMIT". The transaction is accepted!

4. Click on "...". The status is "Pending". The account balance is still 100 ETH.

5. Check "geth" log file. I see this entry:

Submitted transaction fullhash=

6. Query this transaction on the "geth" console:

> txid = "0x029f863ecf7c888825e0a26d215d0e60467d9fe95af1f3d8718993e6cd8d0284"

> eth.getTransaction(txid)
  blockNumber: null,
  from: "0xef6ea9f8bd78ac42fb2617ba90846d5785bb320c",
  gas: 21000,
  gasPrice: 1000000000,
  input: "0x",
  nonce: 0,
  r: "0x85524853c566b81f03526f280a5350a0a3af8a8f9b23e37b252ac55cc4271559",
  s: "0x67d9f531bc99583ea0ee9f0d9ed50ea2a5a421464b32a158f3b897f5428301ca",
  to: "0x485410d2e7b8bfb6f78e5e5acf7d1057cb853fce",
  transactionIndex: 0,
  v: "0x298",
  value: 2000000000000000000

Cool. Everything is ok. The transaction will be sealed into the blockchain later.

Send Ether from MetaMask to Private Network
Send Ether from MetaMask to Private Network

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of Ethereum

 Ethereum Blockchain

 Ethereum Mist Wallet

 geth - Go Ethereum

 Deprecated: Testnet - Ropsten Network

 Private Ethereum Network

 64-Bit "geth" for Private Ethereum Network

 Private Network with Custom Genesis Block

 Transferring Funds between Ether Accounts

 MetaMask - Browser Based Ethereum Wallet

Using MetaMask Wallet

 Transfer Ether Fund to MetaMask Account

 Send Ether from MetaMask to Private Network Failed

 Private Network ID Must Match "chainId"

Send Ether from MetaMask to Private Network

 Process MetaMask Transfer Transaction

 Download and Read MetaMask State Logs

 View Account QR Code in MetaMask

 Export Private Key and Retire MetaMask

 Import Private Key into MetaMask Wallet

 Import Private Key to "geth" Account

 Getting Free Ether on Test Networks

 Managing Ethereum Account

 Mining Ether with Your Computer

 Archived Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB