Tehnologii Web - securitatea aplicațiilor Web

'PKI Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples' tutorial book was cited in a profs.info.uaic.ro article in 2020.

The PKI Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples tutorial was cited in a profs.info.uaic.ro article in 2020.

Subject: Tehnologii Web - securitatea aplicațiilor Web aspecte esențiale
Date: May 30, 2020
Author: busaco
Source: https://profs.info.uaic.ro/~busaco/teach/courses/web

tutoriale (Herong Yang, 2019): www.herongyang.com/PKI/
PKI permite utilizatorilor să comunice „sigur” într-o rețea
publică nesigură, inclusiv verificând identitatea unui
utilizator via certificate digitale emise de o autoritate

securitatea datelor
necesitatea ca o anumită resursă
să poată fi accesată la momentul oportun
aspect de interes: calitatea unui serviciu
stipulată via SLA (Service-Level Agreement)
uptime, average speed to answer, turn-around time,
abandonment rate, mean time to recover,…

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Reference Citations in 2024

 Reference Citations in 2023

 Reference Citations in 2022

 Reference Citations in 2021

Reference Citations in 2020

 CMD Prompt is blank, no text



 Fragen und Antworten zum TYPO3 Content-Management-System

 Sending log to Geocaching.com (Garmin Oregon 750)

 MCA15 Course Syllabus

 Validation of an xml file with production data


 Počítačová síť a internet

 Locking Rows In MySQL

 Crypto (Java Cryptographic Extension)

 Resizing Java Internal Frame by its sides on MacOS

 ClassNotFoundException com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Tehnologii Web - securitatea aplicațiilor Web


 Option JVM -Xss - Que fait-elle exactement


 BOM이없는 UTF-8과 UTF-8의 차이점은 무엇입니까?

 Java - 使用Apache POI读取MS-word


 Уязвимость в TLS

 Reference Citations in 2019

 Reference Citations in 2018

 Reference Citations in 2017

 Reference Citations in 2016

 Reference Citations in 2015

 Reference Citations in 2014

 Reference Citations in 2013

 Reference Citations in 2012

 Reference Citations in 2011

 Reference Citations in 2010

 Reference Citations in 2009

 Reference Citations in 2008

 Reference Citations in 2007

 Reference Citations in 2006

 Reference Citations in 2005

 Reference Citations in 2004

 Reference Citations in 2003

 Full Version in PDF/ePUB