IP Protection and Encryption Donation

'UUEncode Encoding' was cited in an EDA Industry Working Groups discussion in 2004.

The UUEncode Encoding tutorial was cited in an EDA Industry Working Groups discussion in 2004. Note that my Geocities site has been moved to herongyang.com now.

Subject: Re: [vhdl-200x] IP Protection and Encryption Donation
Date: May 20, 2004
Source: http://www.eda.org/vhdl-200x/hm/0569.html
Author: Marcus

Hi Jay,

Jay Lawrence writes:
 > Because I'm basically lazy and google is faster than my math,
 > I found the following
 > http://www.geocities.com/herong_yang/data/uuencode.html
 > It contains a table of the printable range in uuencoded text and
 > you are
 > correct it does not contain lower case letters. The example should
 > probably be updated to have actual encrypted/encoded text.

Do you know whether BASE64 was considered as encoding scheme and
whether uuencode was preferred?

BASE64 is well standardized and generally used in MIME email
(http://www.mhonarc.org/~ehood/MIME/2045/rfc2045.html#6.8) to encode
binary data. There are plenty of codecs floating around.

I remember reading this in the mmencode(1) man-page:


 Mimencode is intended to be a replacement for uuencode for mail
 and news use. The reason is simple: uuencode doesn't work very
 well in a number of circumstances and ways. In particular,
 uuencode uses characters that don't translate well across all mail
 gateways (particularly ASCII <-> EBCDIC gateways). Also, uuencode
 is not standard -- there are several variants floating around,
 encoding and decoding things in different and incompatible ways,
 with no "standard" on which to base an implementation. [...]

Best regards,

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 HelloWeb Quick Start Guide

 Float vs Double

 J2SE Unicode 转化为 GB2312

 Cookies Don't Persist

 tomcat problem

 Jakarta Taglibs, JSTL Problem

 Dovecot SSL Warning (Not Error)

 Cipher, byte[]s and Strings; oh my!

 BodyTagSupport and JSP body-content

 Codifica Base64

 Java: Catching Stack Overflow

 Invoking Remote Webservices from a Perl Client

IP Protection and Encryption Donation

 Validate XML Documents in Java

 Java - Boolean

 GB2312 and Unicode Mapping Table

 CST 365/465 - Web Programming I

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