Linux Apps Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

© 2009-2024 Herong Yang. All rights reserved.

Linux Apps Tutorials This book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Linux applications. Topics include using managing users and groups; managing files and directories; managing Apache HTTP Server and Apache Tomcat; managing MySQL server and SquirrelMail server; running Python and PHP scripts; using OpenJDK for Java programs; using GCC C/C++ compilers; running graphical applications on GNOME desktop and X11 servers; running Conda - Environment and Package Manager. Updated in 2024 (Version v1.03) with OpenJDK Tutorials.

Table of Contents

About This Book

Introduction to Linux Systems

"uname" - Display System Information

"free" - Display Free and Used Memory

Process Management

"ps" - Display Current Processes

"jobs" - Manage Background Jobs

Cron Daemon, Table and Jobs

"tmux" - Terminal Multiplexer

Files and Directories

"find" - Search for Files

"more", "head" and "cat" - Read Files

"split" and "cat" - Split and Join Files

Truncate Log Files

"compress/uncompress" - Compressed *.Z Files

"gzip/gunzip" - Compressed *.gz Files

"xz/unxz" - Compressed *.xz or *.lzma Files

"tar -c" and "tar -x" - Create and Extract Archive Files

"zip" and "unzip" - Create and Extract ZIP Files

"Operation not permitted" Error on macOS

Running Apache HTTP Server (httpd) on Linux Systems

What Is Apache HTTP Server "httpd"

Install Apache HTTP Server "httpd"

Enable Remote Access to "httpd" Service

Publish Home Page index.html

"apachectl status/start/stop" Commands

Verify Apache HTTP Server "httpd" Environment

Requirements for Supporting HTTPS on Apache

Web Server Certificate and Required Fields

Apache Configuration for HTTPS Protocol

Common Issues with Apache HTTPS Support

Listen to Non-Standard Ports with Apache

Running Apache Tomcat on Linux Systems

What Is Apache Tomcat

Install Apache Tomcat on Linux

Start/Stop Apache Tomcat

Common Issues on Running Tomcat

Turn on SSL/TLS Support on Tomcat

SSL/TLS Support on Tomcat 8 or Older

Running PHP Scripts on Linux Systems

Install and Manage PHP Packages on CentOS

"php -i" - Dump PHP Environment Information

Install and Manage PHP Modules on CentOS

Files Used in PHP "include" Statements

Publish PHP Scripts on Apache HTTP Server

Dump PHP/Apache Environment Information

Change PHP Configuration Settings

Apache PHP file_put_contents() Permission Denied

SELinux Security Context on /var/www/html

Migrate Old Scripts to New PHP Release

Running MySQL Database Server on Linux Systems

Install MySQL Database Server on CentOS

Manage MySQL Server 'mysqld' on CentOS

Set MySQL Server "root" Password on CentOS

MySQL Server File Locations on CentOS

MySQL Server Data Backups on CentOS

MySQL Server Log Files on CentOS

MySQL Server Socket Connection on CentOS

MySQL Server TCP/IP Connection on CentOS

Open Firewall for MySQL Server on CentOS

"Server sent charset unknown to the client" Error

Performance of Inserting Integers to MySQL Database

Performance Comparison of Inserting Integers vs. Strings

Running Python Scripts on Linux Systems

Install and Manage Python Engine on CentOS

"pip/pip3" Python Package Manager

Install MySQL Connector/Python on CentOS

Install Python 2 Engine on CentOS

Conda - Environment and Package Manager

What Is Conda

Install Miniconda 3

Introduction to Conda Environment

GCC - C/C++ Compiler

Install GCC C/C++ Compilers

"g++ --verbose" - GCC Compiler Steps and Settings

"g++ -I..." and CPATH Environment Variable

"g++ -l..." to Link with Library Files

"g++ -c" and "ar src" to Build Static Library

"g++ -shared" to Build Dynamic Library

"ldd" - Dynamic Library Dependency Checker

"make" - Manage Program Build Process

OpenJDK - Open-Source JDK

Install and Manage OpenJDK on CentOS

Upgrade OpenJDK on CentOS

First Java Program -

Graphics Environments on Linux

SquirrelMail - Webmail in PHP

SquirrelMail Webmail Installation on CentOS

SquirrelMail Configuration on CentOS

SquirrelMail for Mail Server on Local Network

SquirrelMail Configuration for IMAPS Port 993

Provide Self Signed Certificate to SquirrelMail

SquirrelMail Configuration for SMTPS Port 465

SquirrelMail Configuration for QQ Mail

Tools and Utilities

Install Tesseract as the OCR Engine


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Keywords: Linux, Apps, Applications, Tutorials