Running PHP Scripts on Linux Systems

This chapter provides introductions and tutorial examples about running PHP scripts on Linux systems. Topics include installing PHP engine on CentOS Linux systems; installing missing PHP modules; dumping PHP environment info; 'include' statements.

Install and Manage PHP Packages on CentOS

"php -i" - Dump PHP Environment Information

Install and Manage PHP Modules on CentOS

Files Used in PHP "include" Statements

Publish PHP Scripts on Apache HTTP Server

Dump PHP/Apache Environment Information

Change PHP Configuration Settings

Apache PHP file_put_contents() Permission Denied

SELinux Security Context on /var/www/html

Migrate Old Scripts to New PHP Release


Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction to Linux Systems

 Process Management

 Files and Directories

 Running Apache HTTP Server (httpd) on Linux Systems

 Running Apache Tomcat on Linux Systems

Running PHP Scripts on Linux Systems

 Running MySQL Database Server on Linux Systems

 Running Python Scripts on Linux Systems

 Conda - Environment and Package Manager

 GCC - C/C++ Compiler

 OpenJDK - Open-Source JDK

 Graphics Environments on Linux

 SquirrelMail - Webmail in PHP

 Tools and Utilities


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