Create Account on Ethereum Network

This section describes how to create an new account on Ethereum network.

Now my private Ethereum network is running. But it's do nothing at this moment. It is like starting a new bank with no money, no clients, and no transactions!

Since I am the only node running on my Ethereum network, I should start to create an Ether account for my self.

Here what I did to create an account for myself:

> personal.newAccount()
Passphrase: ******
Repeat passphrase: ******

> eth.accounts

> eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])

Ok, I have an Ether account on my private Ethereum now. But it has no Ether money in it.

The passphrase is the only key to access this account. So keep it in a safe place.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of Ethereum

 Ethereum Blockchain

 Ethereum Mist Wallet

 geth - Go Ethereum

 Deprecated: Testnet - Ropsten Network

Private Ethereum Network

 What Is Ethereum Private Network

 Start a New Ethereum Private Network

 Ethereum Private Network Log and Data

 Private Network - Default Genesis Block

Create Account on Ethereum Network

 What Is Ether Account

 What Is Ethereum Blockchain Miner

 Start "geth" Miner

 "geth" Crashed - Out of Memory

 64-Bit "geth" for Private Ethereum Network

 Private Network with Custom Genesis Block

 Transferring Funds between Ether Accounts

 MetaMask - Browser Based Ethereum Wallet

 Using MetaMask Wallet

 Getting Free Ether on Test Networks

 Managing Ethereum Account

 Mining Ether with Your Computer

 Archived Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB