1940 - Mei Gui Mei Gui Wo A Ni (玫瑰玫瑰我爱你) - Rose Rose I Love You

Mei Gui Mei Gui Wo A Ni (玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 - Rose Rose I Love You), Folk song, Lyrics by Wu Cun (吴村), Music by Chen Gexin (陈歌辛), Produced in 1940.

1940 - Mei Gui Mei Gui Wo A Ni (玫瑰玫瑰我爱你) - Rose Rose I Love You
1940 - Mei Gui Mei Gui Wo A Ni (玫瑰玫瑰我爱你) - Rose Rose I Love You
Year: 1940
Title: Mei Gui Mei Gui Wo A Ni (玫瑰玫瑰我爱你) - Rose Rose I love you
Lyrics: Wu Cun (吴村)
Music: Chen Gexin (陈歌辛)
Original Performer: Yao Li (姚莉)
Genre: Folk Song

玫瑰玫瑰我爱你,知名的国语歌曲,原名《玫瑰啊玫瑰》,1940年电影《天涯歌女 》插曲。作词:吴村,作曲:陈歌辛。其原唱者为1930年代上海滩歌星姚莉。后在 台湾歌手凤飞飞、香港歌手梅艳芳等多名歌手翻唱。

1951年4月6日,美国歌手弗兰基·莱恩 (Frankie Laine)翻唱,在美国迅速走红, 一度高居排行榜第三名。



Lyrics in English:

Rose, Rose I love you
with an aching heart
What is your future?
now we have to part
Standing on the jetty
as the steamer moves away
Flower of Malaya, I cannot stay
Make way, oh, make way
for my Eastern Rose
Men crowd in dozens
everywhere she goes
In her rickshaw on the street
or in a cabaret
"Please make way for Rose"
you can hear them say
All my life I shall remember
Oriental music and you in my arms
Perfumed flowers in your tresses
Lotus-scented breezes
and swaying palms
Rose, Rose I love you
with your almond eyes
Fragrant and slender '
neath tropical skies
I must cross the seas again
and never see you more
'way back to my home
on a distant shore 

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Table of Contents

 About This Book

 2000 - 2099: Best 21st Century Music

 1950 - 1999: Best Music in the Second Half of the 20th Century

1900 - 1949: Best Music in the First Half of the 20th Century

 1949 - A Li Shan De Gu Niang (阿里山的姑娘) - Maiden of Alisan

 1946 - Kang Ding Qing Ge (康定情歌) - A Love Song of Kangding

 1945 - Bei Feng Chui (北风吹) - North Wind's Blowing

 1945 - Ban Ge Yue Liang Pa Shang Lai (半个月亮爬上来) - Up the Half-Moon Goes

 1945 - Lan Hua Hua (蓝花花) - Lady Lan Huahua

 1944 - Ye Lai Xiang (夜来香) - Night Jasmine

 1940 - Yi Meng Shan Xiao Tiao (沂蒙山小调) - Ditty of Yimeng Mountain

1940 - Mei Gui Mei Gui Wo A Ni (玫瑰玫瑰我爱你) - Rose Rose I Love You

 1939 - Er Quan Ying Yue (二泉映月) - The Moon Reflected In Er-Quan

 1938 - Da Ban Cheng De Gu Niang (达阪城的姑娘) - The Maiden Of Daban

 1937 - Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang (在那遥远的地方) - At the Faraway Place

 1937 - Yue Yuan Hua Hao (月圆花好) - Full Moon, Beautiful Flowers

 1937 - Ye Shang Hai (夜上海) - Night of Shanghai

 1937 - Tian Ya Ge Nv (天涯歌女) - Singing Girl from the Heavenly Corner

 1937 - He Ri Jun Zai Lai (何日君再来) - When Will You Come Back Again

 1937 - Si Ji Ge (四季歌) - Song of Four Seasons

 1937 - Chun Tian Li (春天里) - Spring

 1936 - Song Hua Jiang Shang (松花江上) - Along the Sungari River

 1935 - Yu Zhou Chang Wan (渔舟唱晚) - Fishman Sung in Evening

 1935 - Zi Zhu Diao (紫竹调) - The Melody of Purple Bamboo

 1935 - Da Lang Tao Sha (大浪淘沙) - Like Waves again the Sand

 1935 - Ping Hu Qiu Yue (平湖秋月) - Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake

 1934 - Yu Guang Qu (渔光曲) - Song of the Fishermen

 1934 - Mu Tong Duan Di (牧童短笛) - Shepherd Boy and His Piccolo

 1931 - Tin Song (听松) - Hearing Sound of Pine Trees

 1929 - Han Chun Feng Qu (寒春风曲) - Cold Wind in Early Spring

 1927 - Song Bie (送别) - Farewell

 1926 - Zhe Gu Fei (鹧鸪飞) - Partridge Birds Fly

 1925 - Chun Jiang Hua Yue Ye (春江花月夜) - Spring Moonlight on the Flowers by the River

 1925 - Ni Shang Qu (霓裳曲) - Dancing in Gauze Costume

 1920 - Bu Bu Gao (步步高) - Rising Higher Step by Step

 1921 - Yu Da Ba Jiao (雨打芭蕉) - Rain Pattering on Plantain Leaves

 1918 - Bing Zhong Yin (病中吟) - Groaning in Illness

 1911 - Su Wu Mu Yang (苏武牧羊) - Su Wu Tending Sheep

 Before 1900: Best Ancient Music

