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Free Chinese Calendar 2022 - Year of the Tiger
Want to know when is the 2022 Chinese New Year day? Look for free Chinese calendars for 2022? Chinese New Year Date for Year 2022 The Tiger 2022 February 1 Tuesday Chinese New Year   ⇒ Free Chinese Calendar 2023 - Year of the Rabbit ⇐ Free Chinese Calendar 2021 - Year of the Ox ⇑ Chinese New Year D...
2022-06-05, ≈406🔥, 21💬

💬 2022-06-05 Judith Harl: Love Chinese New Year Calendars so interesting and educational

💬 2022-04-23 Mme. Fiona Rose Lace AY: Ni hao ma! May I please receive 1 Chinese 2022-3 Calendar with Poppies&Dragon? No printer 18225 Hale Ave Ste 213 Morgan Hill...

💬 2022-03-27 Herong: Jari, Again. there is no need to add 1 to the calculation. Just think about the first year of the Chinese calendar. It should be...

💬 2022-03-13 Jari: In Julian calender there is not a year 0, it started 1.1.1 but there was a year, so timecalculation jumps one year over from yea...

💬 2022-03-13 Herong: Jari, I don’t see any reason for the +1 in the calculation.

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Free Chinese Calendar 2023 - Year of the Rabbit
Want to know when is the 2023 Chinese New Year day? Look for free Chinese calendars for 2023? Chinese New Year Date for Year 2023 The Rabbit 2023 January 22 Sunday Chinese New Year   ⇒ Free Chinese Calendar 2024 - Year of the Dragon ⇐ Free Chinese Calendar 2022 - Year of the Tiger ⇑ Chinese New Yea...
2023-12-13, ≈287🔥, 8💬

💬 2023-12-13 Daniel Xu: thank you for sharing

💬 2023-12-13 Daniel Xu: thank you for your service

💬 2023-01-25 Joanne Robertson: I'm grateful for this generous gift and you send in return, good health, good wealth, long life. I can imagine all the delicious...

💬 2023-01-25 Joanne Robertson: This is amazing for me, many years I've missed out on Chinese New Year Calendar. My grandpa was Chinese gardener Roslyn Rd Mt We...

💬 2023-01-12 ShengLi: Si nian kuai le!!!

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Downloading and Installing Notepad++ with XML Tools
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Notepad++ on Windows system; and how to add the XML Tools Plugin in Notepad++.
2023-08-24, ≈270🔥, 72💬

💬 2023-08-24 gabydp: Thanks!

💬 2022-03-14 herbiee: Thanks so much! Now Ican rite my XML-files.

💬 2021-11-17 **: Thanks!

💬 2021-06-02 minthanhtike: Thanks so much, it help me .

💬 2021-02-02 Dina: Thank you. This article is helpful!

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Free Chinese Calendar 2024 - Year of the Dragon
Want to know when is the 2024 Chinese New Year day? Look for free Chinese calendars for 2024? Chinese New Year Date for Year 2024 The Dragon 2024 February 10 Saturday Chinese New Year   ⇒ Free Chinese Calendar 2025 - Year of the Snake ⇐ Free Chinese Calendar 2023 - Year of the Rabbit ⇑ Chinese New ...
2024-06-20, ≈250🔥, 5💬

💬 2024-02-18 bakhat yar: Wow, I can't believe it's already the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese calendar!

💬 2024-02-18 Herong: muhammad, you can download them from https://www.herongyang.com/2024/2024 _chinese_calendar_v1.pngand https://www.herongyang.com...

💬 2024-02-16 muhammad Umar: Can i get the Chinese calender 2024 or 2025 to surpise my mom by post? she likes chinese type of things like dragons/ drums/ sna...

💬 2024-01-10 hi: hi

💬 2023-02-03 Agnes Kim: Hey my mom and dad only celebrate their birthday following the lunar calendar, so all 3 of the kids end up missing their birthda...

Free Chinese Calendar 2021 - Year of the Ox
Want to know when is the 2021 Chinese New Year day? Look for free Chinese calendars for 2021? Chinese New Year Date for Year 2021 The Ox 2021 February 12 Friday Chinese New Year   ⇒ Free Chinese Calendar 2022 - Year of the Tiger ⇐ Free Chinese Calendar 2020 - Year of the Rat ⇑ Chinese New Year Date...
2021-03-07, ≈209🔥, 1💬

💬 2021-01-23 Jorge Leach: Well you can find the 2021 lunar date simply by using the Gregorian Lunar Calendar Converter https://www.bbgender.com/gregorian-. ..

XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++. Topics include downloading and installing Notepad++ and XML Tools Plugin; generating pretty print XML format; XSD validation; XSLT transformation.
2023-04-05, ≈171🔥, 69💬

💬 2023-04-05 Marcin: great tool

💬 2022-12-03 Herong: Stuart, may be you need to set the output encoding as UTF-8: <xsl:output encoding="UTF-8" ...>

💬 2022-12-01 Stuart: The XML tools are great. I've just tried the XSL Transformation too for an XML-HTML transformation containing Arabic characters ...

💬 2019-09-10 xiaolu: Great tool

💬 2019-08-06 Took: Great

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Comments on Herong's Tutorial Books
Please share your general comments on my tutorial books here. Comments should not contain hyperlinks to any external Web sites.
2024-12-31, ≈113🔥, 244💬

💬 2022-12-19 James Fonteront: "Hello I have noticed that you have a few opportunities for guest posting. I'm interested in contributing paid content to your s...

💬 2022-11-18 James Fonteront: "Greetings of the day I am far more interested in writing a sponsored article on your website herongyang.com with 500+ words on ...

💬 2022-10-06 Ann: Contact greatsangomaa@yahoo.com for all your spell castings,he's so real that he charges after result

💬 2019-02-15 Julia: Nice website!

💬 2017-01-05 SOOZEE PALAMINOV: Dr. Herong ... I am super IMPRESSED with this website ... I found it by accident ... Greatly appreciated and Thank You very Much...

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Download and Install JDK on macOS
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install the latest version JDK, which contains the HotSpot JVM, on a macOS system. A simple Java program was entered, compiled, and executed to verify the JDK installation.
2023-09-09, ≈96🔥, 61💬

💬 2023-09-09 Anthony: great

💬 2023-05-13 james: oki

💬 2022-01-10 G.S.S.VARAPRASADRAO: cool

💬 2021-11-15 thang: that geart

💬 2021-06-08 anil: thanks

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Deprecated: Get Free Ether from faucet.metamask.io
This section describes how to get some free Ether form faucet.metamask.io.
2024-04-24, ≈89🔥, 585💬

💬 2024-04-07 Usman Ali: Please help

💬 2024-03-12 sum: 0x6C65998EFc3B07be2dDFAbf1c54d35DCA3 aeFF56

💬 2024-03-12 sum: 0x6C65998EFc3B07be2dDFAbf1c54d35DCA3 aeFF56

💬 2024-03-04 p: yes

💬 2024-03-02 Antonia: Hello, I do not see Ropsten in my Metamask. What to do?

(More comments ...)

Compilation and Execution Process of C Programs
This section describes steps of the compilation and execution process of C programs: preprocessing, compilation, assembly, linking and loading.
2023-11-14, ≈86🔥, 30💬

💬 2023-11-14 Srinu: Good

💬 2023-04-16 Tasaduk: Great it was easy for me to understand on your site thanks once again

💬 2021-07-28 jungkook jeon: very helpful. thank u so much for your explanation

💬 2021-02-14 Herong: Theo, thanks for the nice comment!

💬 2021-02-05 Theo Bruelhart: Dr. Herong Yang: I do appreciate the clarity and simplicity of your explanation. Thank you!

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"services.msc" - Program Services Console
This section provides a quick description of the Services Console and a tutorial example on how to list all program services.
2022-05-09, ≈82🔥, 24💬

💬 2022-05-09 Fikirte Amosa: Disable IIS admin service.

💬 2022-02-05 CHRISSY: Hi i have all do in the PC Discord Preference but he start all time agein, wtf i hate it.

💬 2022-01-02 joolzy: thank you , managed to get a result ..

💬 2021-11-11 bona kharo: my window say that could start the bluetooth service on local computer Error 1079: The account specified for this service is dif...

💬 2021-06-04 Herong: Ivory, you can follow instructions given on the printer control panel to open the printer and remove jammed paper.

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科兴生物新冠疫苗的结构和工作机制是什么? 科兴生物新冠疫苗是由北京科兴生物制品有限公司(Sinovac Biotech)研发的COVID-19疫苗, 代号为CoronaVac。 科兴生物新冠疫苗是一种灭活疫苗,是破坏了RNA基因的新冠病毒 颗粒。科兴生物新冠疫苗的工作机制和其它灭活疫苗一样: 含有无活性的新冠病毒疫苗通过肌肉注射进入人体。 无活性的新冠病毒...
2021-03-11, ≈79🔥, 0💬

About HerongYang.com
This web site provides a collection of about 40 free tutorial books on programming languages, Web applications, database, Chinese language and other topics. See the site map for a complete list of all tutorial books. Contact Information Name: Herong Yang Email: herong_yang...at...yahoo Web: http://w...
2024-07-14, ≈78🔥, 28💬

💬 2022-03-14 Daniel Rozzi: Hello, My name is Daniel Rozzi from Infolinks Media and we are allocating budgets from a few select brands such as Shutterfly, S...

💬 2022-02-14 ChaSan: Hello, It has been a long long time since I visited this webpage. 15 years thereabouts. learned a lot using PHP on my windows PC...

💬 2021-11-16 Daniel Rozzi: Hello, My name is Daniel from Infolinks Media. We are allocating budgets from a few select brands that we have quarterly placeme...

💬 2020-11-06 schradermichael950@gmail.com: Good day!  I happened to find your website very usable and interesting. And I would like to ask you whether you accept links for...

💬 2020-06-20 Herong: William and others, I am not interested in placing other ads on this site at this moment. Thanks.

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"OpenSSL" Viewing Certificates in DER and PEM
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'OpenSSL' to view certificates in DER and PEM formats generated by the 'keytool -exportcert' command.
2022-08-16, ≈71🔥, 8💬

💬 2022-08-16 Ken: Cool tutorial. Thank you!

💬 2019-10-05 Herong: Fatin, what are you getting from the output?

💬 2019-09-27 Fatin: Please help me, i cannot get it that way

💬 2017-05-27 Herong: Yes, asn1parse is a nice tool. I will add some examples later.

💬 2017-05-23 poshak: MIIC8DCCAIGgAwIBAgIJAM/+E5HIKoWGMAoG ...

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Download and Install JDK 17 on Windows
This section describes how to download and install JDK 12 on a Windows system.
2023-02-27, ≈69🔥, 51💬

💬 2023-02-27 frank: grazie

💬 2019-06-12 sothea: Java is good

💬 2019-05-13 Myo Nyein: don't know

💬 2019-05-13 Myo Nyein: good

💬 2018-12-23 Thin Ga Ha: Very good

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Free Chinese Calendars
Want to know when is the Chinese New Year day? Look for free Chinese calendars? Here are the Chinese New Year days in coming years: Free Chinese Calendars for other years: Free Chinese Calendars: 2008 - 2019 Free Chinese Calendar 2008 - Year of the Rat Free Chinese Calendar 2009 - Year of the Ox Fre...
2021-01-10, ≈68🔥, 0💬

Thank You for Your Support
Hello Friend, A copy of the PDF or ePUB version of the requested book will be emailed to you as soon as I received the notification from PayPal. Note that this may take a day or two. If you have any question, please contact me at: herong_yang@yahoo.com. Thanks for you support. Herong
2023-04-16, ≈67🔥, 7💬

💬 2023-04-16 Anas: I have purchased unicode tutorial pdf version my email anas.nxxxxxxxxcom

💬 2021-11-09 Arun: Hey HeRong, I just purchased a copy of your vbscript tutorials. My email address is arunraj03@****.com

💬 2021-07-27 Raul: Hello, I expect you book very excited because I found it very useful for a begginer. Have a nice day.

💬 2021-06-10 Herong: Kenneth, Document sent on June 9. Thanks again

💬 2021-06-09 Kenneth R. Gardner: Hi I just purchased a PDF copy of XSD Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples. My email address that you can send the PDF to is: ...

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Comment Testing Area
What is test testing area for? The testing area is provided to allow visitors to post testing comments.
2023-08-26, ≈63🔥, 65💬

💬 2025-01-06 jr: 4oCi4oCi4oCi4oCi4oCi4oCi4oCi

💬 2024-12-31 PAM: Hello, everyone! Even though this is not for this, but I'm going to go one step ahead and actually recommend someone for a chang...

💬 2024-12-14 Waddah Ghassan Aldwiri: ÍøÒ³µç»°

💬 2024-12-01 a: ABD2E6A0D6C1C1E8

💬 2024-11-25 jj: ggggaad

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新冠病毒的外部形状是什么? 新冠病毒是由哪些成分构成的? 从外部来看,新冠病毒形状并不规则,但大部分呈球状颗粒,直径约 为60-220奈米。新冠病毒颗粒和其它冠状病毒一样, 表面有许多排列整齐的刺突,看起来很像皇冠上面的刺突。 下面是美国疾病预防控制中心 用透射电子显微镜拍摄的新冠病毒颗粒图。 新冠病毒颗粒照片 从生物结构来看,新冠病毒颗粒是由五种成分构成: 一个RNA...
2021-10-07, ≈59🔥, 0💬

Running Perl Scripts on Linux Systems
This section provides a tutorial example on how to run Perl scripts on Linux systems. To make a Perl script file executable, you need to add '#!/usr/bin/perl' to the beginning of the script.
2022-09-14, ≈57🔥, 10💬

💬 2022-09-09 Herong: Bharathi, there is no upload option in this tutorial. Can you provide more details?

💬 2022-09-05 Bharathi: I have perl script locally but unable to run this with file upload option. How to do it?

💬 2021-09-09 Meaningful comment: Is this a meaningful comment?

💬 2017-10-24 Herong: sdre, what is the issue are you referring to?

💬 2017-10-23 sdre: That's an issue with the Perl script, not with running the script itself, and it deserves another question (not here, on Stack O...

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Configuring PHP OpenSSL on Windows
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install and configure the PHP OpenSSL module on Windows systems. PHP OpenSSL is provided as a DLL file called php_openssl.dll.
2020-05-21, ≈56🔥, 14💬

💬 2020-05-21 Herong: GHM, can you check if php_openssl.dll actually exists in the extension_dir folder?

💬 2020-05-19 GHM: I am totally new to php. How do I activate openssl so php can access functions. I installed php manager and it said that php_ope...

💬 2020-01-21 Herong: Nietzsche, can you provide the logic for the hasMeaning() function?

💬 2020-01-12 Nietzsche: Life is Meaningless: Input 1: if (Life::hasMeaning(self) === True) { echo "Life has Meaning"; } else { echo "Life is Meaningless...

💬 2019-10-09 Michael: Thank you! This helped me enable SSL on my PHP install

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Lucky Wedding Dates: 2024 - Year of the Dragon
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2024? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2024 - Year of the Dragon   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2025 - Year of the Snake ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2023 - Year of the Rabbit ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 to 2031 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-09-25, ≈54🔥, 0💬

"keytool" Exporting Certificates in DER and PEM
This section provides a tutorial example on how to export certificates in DER and PEM format using the 'keytool -exportcert' command.
2019-02-20, ≈53🔥, 5💬

💬 2019-02-20 Ajay Singh: Ok

💬 2018-10-06 Herong: Srinivas, what are those special characters? Are they appended to the keystore file or the certificate file?

💬 2018-09-25 Srinivas: After generating certificate, there are some special characters appended.

💬 2016-06-27 Herong: Mandar, can you double check your command? The error indicates you entered a wrong password.

💬 2016-06-23 Mandar: converting to der is sucessful. while converting to pem, I am getting below error. keytool error: java.io.IOException: Keystore ...

Installing OpenSSL on Windows
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install OpenSSL on a Windows system.
2017-10-29, ≈51🔥, 18💬

💬 2017-10-29 Max: Te possino! How I obtain the .o, .h files to use like include in my .c mail file?

💬 2017-02-03 Jim: Now run along...

💬 2017-02-03 Jim: If I did this just once we would not be even, cause you did it once when you put it up here..

💬 2016-12-19 red: Please write meaningful comments. Thanks!

💬 2016-12-19 Thank: Thanks!

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