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PKI Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) technologies himself. Topics include Root CA (Certificate Authorities); SSL, TLS, and HTTPS; Server and client authentication processes; Communication data encrypt...
2024-10-03, 12279🔥, 3💬

💬 2024-10-03 Herong: Hi Jay, I am sorry that you haven't received the PDF file yet. It was sent on Sep 12 to your gmail address. It looks like gmail ...

💬 2024-10-01 Jay Sarna: Request for purchased books ----------------------------- Hello Dr. Yang I hope you are ok. I purchased pdf copy of this book vi...

💬 2016-02-07 john: thanks!

18800: Tangut Components
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Tangut Components', which contains 755 code points to represent structural elements used by scholars to index Tangut ideographs in modern dictionaries and glossaries.
2024-10-02, 464🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-10-02 Daniel: Very wonderful!

What Is GB2312 Character Set
GB2312 Character Set is a set of 7445 commonly used Chinese characters established by the government of People's Republic of China in 1980.
2024-09-23, 1877🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-09-23 Roberto: Pretty useful

💬 2020-03-28 asim: hello asim

GB2312 Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This free book contains Herong's notes and tutorial examples on Chinese GB2312 character set. It provides a mapping table of all GB2312 characters, native codes, corresponding Unicode codes and UTF8 codes. The Java program source code that produces the mapping table is also included. Topics include ...
2024-09-20, 30050🔥, 14💬

💬 2024-09-20 tser: help me a lot

💬 2022-04-17 the niga: thank

💬 2021-02-17 林黛玉: 红楼梦

💬 2020-07-29 : 张

💬 2019-08-20 李家健: 李家健

(More comments ...)

2B00: Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows', which contains 256 code points to represent additional symbols and arrows.
2024-09-19, 1399🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-09-19 dd: 2B80

Activity Diagram - Send Signal Notation
This section describes the Send Signal Notation used in a UML Activity Diagram. A Send Signal Notation represents an action that sends a signal to outside and continues without waiting for any responses.
2024-09-18, 302🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-09-18 Michael Carlsson: Should the Send Signal not be an arrow shape like "Request Payment" signal on the page Activity Diagram - Accept Event Notation ...

Free Chinese Calendar 2011 - Year of the Rabbit
Want to know when is the 2011 Chinese New Year day? Look for free Chinese calendars for 2011? Chinese New Year Date for Year 2011 The Rabbit 2011 February 3 Thursday Chinese New Year   ⇒ Free Chinese Calendar 2012 - Year of the Dragon ⇐ Free Chinese Calendar 2010 - Year of the Tiger ⇑ Free Chinese ...
2024-09-12, 14170🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-09-12 Herong: Larry, do you have any suggestions to make it better?

💬 2024-09-09 Larry Lin: I've never seen a website designed in so confusing, directing here and there and ending up to nowhere.

Loading JDBC Driver for MySQL Server
This section describes how to load the MySQL JDBC driver class - mysql-connector-java-xxx-bin.j ar.
2024-08-29, 14887🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-08-29 bk: bull-kit

💬 2019-04-28 M1001101: Meaningful comments. Thanks!

💬 2018-09-20 raj: hatt budbak aisa kuch nahin hota bakwas hai ye program

💬 2017-09-16 vivek sharma: good

💬 2017-01-14 Herong: Thanks for the nice comment! ☺

(More comments ...)

Archived: Downloading and Installing JDK 1.6
This section describes how to download and install Java SE (JDK) 1.6 Update 2 on a Windows XP system.
2024-08-17, 321🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-08-17 Herong: NullPTR, can you download the JDK .exe file on the newer computer and transfer it to your Windows XP?

💬 2024-08-15 NullPTR: the link to download javase will redirect to oracle.com,but i cant click agree eula on the download page with chrome 47 on windo...

smem - Process Memory Usage Report
This section provides a tutorial on how to install 'smem' and use it to report memory usage of each running process.
2024-08-17, 121🔥, 0💬

List CPU Caches and Their Sizes
This section describes how to use 'lscpu', 'lshw' and 'dmidecode' commands to list CPU caches and their sizes.
2024-08-17, 120🔥, 0💬

pmap - Process Memory Map
This section provides a tutorial on how to install 'smem' and use it to report memory usage of each running process.
2024-08-17, 120🔥, 0💬

"who | w" - Logged-in Users and Their Running Commands
This section provides a tutorial example on how to display logged-in users and their running commands using 'who' and 'w' commands on Linux systems.
2024-08-17, 119🔥, 0💬

Layers of Memory and Access Speed
This section describes layers of memory: CPU Register, CPU Caches, RAM and hard disk.
2024-08-17, 118🔥, 0💬

Memory Management
This chapter provides introductions and tutorial notes on memory management. Topics include memory layers and access speed; cache memory levels; virtual memory and physical memory mapping; page table; buffers, caches and swap spaces; memory usage reporting tools: free, ps, smem, pmap, /proc/meminfo,...
2024-08-17, 116🔥, 0💬

Verify Cache Memory with "cp" Command
This section provides a tutorial example to verify the cache memory usage in the RAM free space using a single 'cp' command.
2024-08-17, 116🔥, 0💬

/proc/{id}/smaps - Process Memory Map Details
This section describes the pseudo file '/proc/{id}/smaps' that represents virtual memory map of a given process with detailed information on each mapped area.
2024-08-17, 116🔥, 0💬

What Is Swap Space
This section describes swap space, reserved area on the hard disk that extends RAM to form a larger physical memory.
2024-08-17, 115🔥, 0💬

Virtual Memory Mapping and Page Table
This section describes virtual memory page, physical memory frame, and page table that maps a page to a frame.
2024-08-17, 113🔥, 0💬

"ps -o rss,drs,trs,vsz,sz" - Process Status Options
This section provides a tutorial on how to 'ps -o rss,drs,trs,vsz,sz' command to report memory usage of each running process.
2024-08-17, 113🔥, 0💬

Virtual Memory vs. Physical Memory
This section describes virtual memory, which is mapped to physical memory through MMU (Memory Management Unit).
2024-08-17, 112🔥, 0💬

Buffer Memory and Cache Memory
This section describes buffer memory and cache memory, which are temporary memory allocations in the free RAM area to improve data input and output performance on hard disk.
2024-08-17, 112🔥, 0💬

/proc/{id}/maps - Process Memory Map
This section describes the pseudo file '/proc/{id}/maps' that represents virtual memory map of a given process.
2024-08-17, 112🔥, 0💬

GD Library - Draw Graphical Elements
This section provides a tutorial example on how to draw graphical elements using GD Library functions.
2024-08-11, 558🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-01-19 <zx&a: great

💬 2022-09-22 alì babbà: commento del piffero!

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