Java Code Examples for java.sql.ResultSet.getAsciiStream()

'Inserting BLOB Values with SQL INSERT Statements' tutorial was cited in a article in 2018.

The Inserting BLOB Values with SQL INSERT Statements tutorial was cited in a article in 2018.

Subject: Java Code Examples for java.sql.ResultSet.getAsciiStream()
Date: Feb 6, 2018

The following are Jave code examples for showing how to use
getAsciiStream() of the java.sql.ResultSet class. You can vote up the
examples you like. Your votes will be used in our system to get more good

Example 1

protected String getResultAsEscapedString( ResultSet resultSet,
   int index, String columnTypeName ) throws SQLException,
   IOException {

    String value;
    Object valueAsObject = resultSet.getObject(index);
    if (valueAsObject == null) {
        return null;
    if (valueAsObject != null &&
        valueAsObject.getClass().isArray()) {
        if (! (valueAsObject instanceof byte[])) {
            // FIXME other array types might be needed to be tracked
            // in a different way
            log.warn("Array type that needs attention");
        // we have an array of primitive data type
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            is = resultSet.getAsciiStream(index);
            value = IoUtils.streamToString(is);
        } finally {
    } else if (valueAsObject instanceof Blob) {
        // we have a blob
        log.debug("Blob detected. Will try to dump as hex");
        Blob blobValue = (Blob) valueAsObject;
        InputStream blobInputStream = blobValue.getBinaryStream();
        StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();

        //read the binary data from the stream and convert it to hex
        // according to the sample from
        // - see 3 variants for Oracle, MsSQL and MySQL
        hexString = addBinDataAsHexAndCloseStream
           (hexString, blobInputStream);
        value = hexString.toString();
    } else {

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