What Is Swap Space

This section describes swap space, reserved area on the hard disk that extends RAM to form a larger physical memory.

What Is Swap Space? - Swap Space is a reserved area on the hard disk that extends RAM to form a larger physical memory. Swap space provides 3 benefits to the Linux system:

1. Allows applications to use more memory larger than RAM - For example, if you have a system with 8 GB of RAM with an 8 GB of swap space, then 16 GB of physical memory is available to run applications.

2. Allows larger Cache memory to improve performance - For example, if you have a system with 8 GB of RAM, and your applications only need 8 GB to run, then you don't have to add any swap space. However, if you do add an 8 GB of swap space, system will move inactive applications and their data from RAM to the swap space. Then the free space in RAM can be used as buffer and cache memory to speed remaining active applications.

3. Allows the system to go into sleep (hibernation) mode - If you enable the sleep mode, system will copy all running processes and their data from RAM to swap space. When you power on the system again, all running processes can be resumed.

"free" - Display Swap Space - "free" command displays usage of the physical memory, including swap space. The default output shows the swap space usage in the "Swap:" line. All numbers have a unit of KiB.

herong$ free

          total     used     free  shared  buff/cache  available
Mem:    7745404  2390776   537928  302640     4816700    4740408
Swap:   8085500   957800  7127700

"/proc/swaps" - Swap Space Information - /proc/swaps is a pseudo file that contains swap space usage information. You can use the "cat" command to display information from /proc/swaps:

herong$ cat /proc/swaps

Filename         Type            Size      Used      Priority
/dev/dm-1        partition       8085500   1000296   -2

Note that the "swapon -s" command also prints out the same information.

Other related commands are:

swapon -a    # To enable all swap spaces 
swapoff -a   # To disable all swap spaces 
mkswap       # To create a new swap space

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction to Linux Systems

 Cockpit - Web Portal for Administrator

 Process Management

Memory Management

 Layers of Memory and Access Speed

 List CPU Caches and Their Sizes

 Virtual Memory vs. Physical Memory

 Buffer Memory and Cache Memory

 Verify Cache Memory with "cp" Command

What Is Swap Space

 Virtual Memory Mapping and Page Table

 "ps -o rss,drs,trs,vsz,sz" - Process Status Options

 smem - Process Memory Usage Report

 pmap - Process Memory Map

 /proc/{id}/maps - Process Memory Map

 /proc/{id}/smaps - Process Memory Map Details

 Files and Directories

 Users and Groups

 File Systems

 Block Devices and Partitions

 LVM (Logical Volume Manager)

 Installing CentOS

 SELinux - Security-Enhanced Linux

 Network Connection on CentOS

 Internet Networking Tools

 SSH Protocol and ssh/scp Commands

 Software Package Manager on CentOS - DNF and YUM

 vsftpd - Very Secure FTP Daemon

 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

 Administrative Tasks


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