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Blowfish Cipher Test Vectors
A list of test vectors is provided for the 16-round and 64-bit block Blowfish cipher algorithm. 2024-01-11, ∼1546🔥, 4💬
💬 2018-09-22 Herong: Codesmith, Thanks for the confirmation.
piqpr8.c - Generating Hex Digits of PI
A C source code is provided to generate hexadecimal digits of the fractional part of PI (0.1415927...) using the BBP (Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe) formula. 2016-03-25, ∼1393🔥, 1💬
"bf-cbc" Cipher with Literal Key
A tutorial example is provided to show you how to use the 'bf-cbc' (Blowfish in CBC mode) cipher with Literal Key to encrypt and decrypt binary data files. 2022-10-01, ∼1015🔥, 0💬
Crypt::CBC Encryption with Literal Keys
A tutorial Perl example is provided to show how to use Crypt::CBC to perform encryption with a literal key and an IV specified by the user. 2022-10-01, ∼463🔥, 0💬
Blowfish Cipher Encryption Algorithm
The Blowfish cipher algorithm is presented based on the algorithm designer Bruce Schneier's technical paper. Blowfish cipher is 16-round and 64-bit block cipher. 2021-06-17, ∼446🔥, 1💬
💬 2021-06-17 Potato: Where did the name blowfish originate from?
Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format. 2022-10-01, ∼346🔥, 0💬
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