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UTF-16BE Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of the UTF-16BE (Unicode Transformation Format - 16-bit Big Endian) encoding for Unicode character set. UTF-16BE is a variation of UTF-16.
2025-02-08, ≈10🔥, 23💬

💬 2025-02-08 142412: 100000111001000011111010000111000100 001100001000100010110001000011100001 110001000100001010000110101100001110 11100010011001000011...

💬 2023-11-27 yooo: 灩捯䍔䙻ㄶ形楴獟楮獴㌴摟潦弸強㕤㐸㤸扽

💬 2023-11-01 Udit Singh Dhakrey: <script>alert("is I am able to hack")</script>

💬 2022-08-26 asewathy: 灩捯䍔䙻ㄶ形楴獟楮獴㌴摟潦弸弰㑣〷㘰摽

💬 2022-03-02 Seth Cox: Hello

(More comments ...)

Opening UTF-8 Text Files
This section provides a tutorial example on how to open a UTF-8 text file with Word correctly by selecting the Unicode (UTF-8) encoding option on the File Conversion dialog box.
2025-01-06, ∼838🔥, 1💬

Shift-JIS Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of Shift-JIS, also called MS Kanji, encoding, which maps a JIS X0208 character to a 2-byte sequence using a complicated schema designed by Microsoft.
2024-11-14, ∼4092🔥, 10💬

💬 2022-03-12 ddfdfd: hey how are you

💬 2021-12-01 lakshay: what is shift-jis encoding

💬 2020-09-18 Utkarsj: hello hi bye

💬 2020-04-03 Qqqq: スーパー

💬 2019-07-16 Duc: かきくけこ

UTF-16 Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of the UTF-16 (Unicode Transformation Format - 16-bit) encoding for Unicode character set. Paired surrogates are used for characters in the U+10000...0x10FFFF range.
2024-11-04, ∼4642🔥, 5💬

💬 2021-11-09 77: *9999

💬 2016-12-28 anson: what a detail of explain. i think i complete understand it. thanks very much.

18800: Tangut Components
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Tangut Components', which contains 755 code points to represent structural elements used by scholars to index Tangut ideographs in modern dictionaries and glossaries.
2024-10-02, ∼526🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-10-02 Daniel: Very wonderful!

2B00: Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows', which contains 256 code points to represent additional symbols and arrows.
2024-09-19, ∼1512🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-09-19 dd: 2B80

UTF-32LE Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of the UTF-32LE (Unicode Transformation Format - 32-bit Big Endian) encoding for Unicode character set.
2024-05-30, ∼1379🔥, 6💬

💬 2023-10-30 VVVV: Save on Liposuction

💬 2019-06-21 ggg: test

1DF00: Latin Extended-G
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Latin Extended-G', which contains 256 code points to represent Latin Extended-G alphabets used in the Latin Extended-G language.
2024-05-15, ∼546🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-05-15 Adrian rock field: It’s A Letter That Doesn’t Exist In keyboard

Opening UTF-16LE Text Files
This section provides a tutorial example to prove that Excel can not open a UTF-16LE text file. Its Text Import Wizard only supports UTF-7 and UTF-8 encodings.
2024-05-01, ∼337🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-05-01 Herong: @Red Star, you are right, the latest version of Excel can read UTF-16LE files with BOM character added. I will update this tutor...

💬 2024-04-26 Red Star: Excel can open some UTF-16LE files. 1. Open Notepad++ 2. Create a new file. 3. Set encoding to UTF-16LE BOM 4. Enter these chara...

UTF-16LE Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of the UTF-16LE (Unicode Transformation Format - 16-bit Little Endian) encoding for Unicode character set. UTF-16LE is a variation of UTF-16.
2024-03-21, ≈25🔥, 23💬

💬 2024-03-21 Lawrence: Hi! I would like to learn how to code

💬 2024-03-18 bob: & E:\\github\\TL-6157_VhdServiceClient CLI\\infra-vhd-service\\src\\infra_v hd_service\\mount_dismount_vhd.ps1-drive_letter J...

💬 2024-01-16 alert("hello"): <script> alert("hello") </script>

💬 2023-07-02 Robert Kučera: U2FsdGVkX1+0hNJU24eqEsbTKsJxnpZ2KjSz b0TufyBbuu8NU1q0U1odiDkKM2MM

💬 2023-02-26 diyar: 48bb6e862e54f2a795ffc4e541caed4d

(More comments ...)

Python Language and Unicode Characters
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on Unicode support in Python language. Topics including using 'str' data type to store single and multiple Unicode characters; Unicode escape sequences in 'str' literals; default Unicode encoding used in Python; str.encode() and bytes.decode() method...
2024-01-27, ∼165🔥, 0💬

Python Source Code Encoding
This section provides a tutorial example to demonstrate the default UTF-8 encoding of Python source code file and ways to change the default encoding.
2024-01-27, ∼151🔥, 0💬

Unicode Character Encoding and Decoding
This section provides tutorial example on how to convert Unicode character strings to and from byte sequences based on different encoding standards using str.encode() and bytes.decode() methods.
2024-01-27, ∼144🔥, 0💬

Summary of Unicode Support in Python
This section provides a quick summary of Unicode support in Python language.
2024-01-27, ∼141🔥, 0💬

"unicodedata" Module for Unicode Properties
This section provides tutorial example on how to use the 'unicodedata' to retrieve properties of code points defined by the Unicode standard.
2024-01-27, ∼139🔥, 0💬

Unicode Support on "str" Data Type
This section provides tutorial example on how to use the built-in data type 'str' to store Unicode characters as a list of code points.
2024-01-27, ∼136🔥, 0💬

Examples of Unicode Characters
Some samples of Unicode characters are provided here with their glyphs, code points, code names and code blocks for the purpose of demonstration.
2024-01-23, ∼6923🔥, 0💬

0600: Arabic
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Arabic', which contains 256 code points to represent alphabetic letters used in the Arabic language.
2024-01-23, ∼3598🔥, 0💬

2600: Miscellaneous Symbols
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Miscellaneous Symbols', which contains 160 code points to represent more miscellaneous symbols.
2024-01-23, ∼3378🔥, 0💬

AC00: Hangul Syllables
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Hangul Syllables', which contains 11184 code points to represent Hangul syllables used in the Korean language.
2024-01-23, ∼2970🔥, 0💬

FFF0: Specials
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Specials', which contains 16 code points to represent special codes
2024-01-23, ∼1996🔥, 0💬

1EE00: Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols', which contains 256 code points to represent Arabic mathematical alphabetic symbols.
2024-01-23, ∼1388🔥, 0💬

0180: Latin Extended-B
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Latin Extended-B', which contains 208 code points to represent historical Latin language characters.
2024-01-23, ∼1266🔥, 0💬

1D100: Musical Symbols
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Musical Symbols', which contains 256 code points to represent Musical Symbols alphabets used in the Musical Symbols language.
2024-01-23, ∼1131🔥, 0💬

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