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List of Supported Character Encodings in Java
This section provides a list of supported character encodings supported in Java. The list is generated using the availableCharsets() static method in the java.nio.charset.Charset class.
2020-02-25, ≈26🔥, 3💬

💬 2020-02-25 Herong: Give me some clues, like where did you get this from?

💬 2020-02-19 kgs: Tell me encoding of this one: �������� � ������������ ���������������� �������� ���������...

💬 2015-11-27 nawed ahmed khan: Thanks☺

UTF-16LE Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of the UTF-16LE (Unicode Transformation Format - 16-bit Little Endian) encoding for Unicode character set. UTF-16LE is a variation of UTF-16.
2024-03-21, ≈25🔥, 23💬

💬 2024-03-21 Lawrence: Hi! I would like to learn how to code

💬 2024-03-18 bob: & E:\\github\\TL-6157_VhdServiceClient CLI\\infra-vhd-service\\src\\infra_v hd_service\\mount_dismount_vhd.ps1-drive_letter J...

💬 2024-01-16 alert("hello"): <script> alert("hello") </script>

💬 2023-07-02 Robert Kučera: U2FsdGVkX1+0hNJU24eqEsbTKsJxnpZ2KjSz b0TufyBbuu8NU1q0U1odiDkKM2MM

💬 2023-02-26 diyar: 48bb6e862e54f2a795ffc4e541caed4d

(More comments ...)

UTF-16, UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE Encodings
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on UTF-16, UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE encodings. Topics including encoding and decoding logics of UTF-16, UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE encodings; introduction of surrogate pairs; explanation of the use of BOM (Byte Order Mark).
2023-12-05, ≈19🔥, 14💬

💬 2023-12-05 g: 21 53 93 68 87 65 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 31 00 30 00 31 00 32 00 30 00 30 00 30...

💬 2023-11-30 4654: 0055 002b 0031 0031 0031 0041 0045

💬 2023-05-21 Rt: OX_+'(Ξ6 R Kf ò:eV£ΘWLY2rX%ÄùdÖ4fdΩsΠMßΔ7b¡_¥ì Ψ Æ=+SFΦ+ELQ*c ò!0¿D

💬 2021-07-20 abraham: thankyou

💬 2019-08-09 asas: Haga contacto con su administrador del sistema si desea obtener más información

(More comments ...)

UTF-16BE Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of the UTF-16BE (Unicode Transformation Format - 16-bit Big Endian) encoding for Unicode character set. UTF-16BE is a variation of UTF-16.
2025-02-08, ≈10🔥, 23💬

💬 2025-02-08 142412: 100000111001000011111010000111000100 001100001000100010110001000011100001 110001000100001010000110101100001110 11100010011001000011...

💬 2023-11-27 yooo: 灩捯䍔䙻ㄶ形楴獟楮獴㌴摟潦弸強㕤㐸㤸扽

💬 2023-11-01 Udit Singh Dhakrey: <script>alert("is I am able to hack")</script>

💬 2022-08-26 asewathy: 灩捯䍔䙻ㄶ形楴獟楮獴㌴摟潦弸弰㑣〷㘰摽

💬 2022-03-02 Seth Cox: Hello

(More comments ...)

UTF-8 Encoding Algorithm
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write a programming algorithm to encode characters with UTF-8 encoding.
2023-09-08, ∼8852🔥, 8💬

💬 2023-07-22 Ian Brooke: If you're going to include pseudo code like that you need to define exactly what the different symbols do as they mean different...

💬 2023-02-01 Abdelrahman: Thank you very much!

💬 2023-01-31 Herong: Abdelrahman, you can read the " UTF-8 Encoding " section. It contains UTF-8 encoding requirements and example. The 6-bit shiftin...

💬 2023-01-29 Abdelrahman: Thank you for this, Herong! The algorithm is simple and clear to understand. The one part that I don't understand is why it uses...

💬 2019-09-27 Andrew Dillon: This was very useful. It really helped clarify the explanation in the Unicode Specification. Thank you!

(More comments ...)

Opening UTF-16LE Text Files
This section provides a tutorial example on how to open a UTF-16LE text file with Nodepad correctly by selecting the Unicode encoding option on the open file dialog box.
2023-08-23, ∼8769🔥, 7💬

💬 2023-08-23 yop: Notepad--

💬 2022-08-08 Herong: Gregg, I am using Notepad, not Notepad++.

💬 2022-08-03 Gregg: I am running v*.2.1 (64 bit) of Notepad++ and I do not see ANYTHING relating to Unicode. My File->Open popup is totally differen...

💬 2018-09-09 Nit: GIF89a��������!�, T;

💬 2018-02-12 Herong: Krishna, dates should have nothing to do with UTF-16 LE format. Can you provide some examples?

(More comments ...)

Examples of Unicode Characters
Some samples of Unicode characters are provided here with their glyphs, code points, code names and code blocks for the purpose of demonstration.
2024-01-23, ∼6923🔥, 0💬

Using Microsoft Excel as a Unicode Text Editor
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on using Microsoft Excel as a Unicode text editor. Topics including testing to open text files in 3 encodings: UTF-8, UTF-16BE, and UTF-16LE; saving and opening Unicode text files in UTF-16 (Little-Endian with BOM) format.
2016-10-03, ∼4903🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-10-03 zoltan: useful

Examples of CP1252 and ISO-8859-1 Encodings
This section provides examples of encoded byte sequences of the JVM default encoding, CP1252 encoding, on a Windows system. The ISO-8859-1 encoding is slightly different that the CP1252 encoding.
2022-06-21, ∼4697🔥, 3💬

💬 2020-02-24 Muhammad Ijaz: i am Muhammad Ijaz

UTF-16 Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of the UTF-16 (Unicode Transformation Format - 16-bit) encoding for Unicode character set. Paired surrogates are used for characters in the U+10000...0x10FFFF range.
2024-11-04, ∼4642🔥, 5💬

💬 2021-11-09 77: *9999

💬 2016-12-28 anson: what a detail of explain. i think i complete understand it. thanks very much.

Downloading and Installing GNU Unifont
A tutorial example is provided on how to download and install GNU Unifont font family on Windows 7 systems.
2023-07-19, ∼4233🔥, 5💬

💬 2023-07-19 DoublePOOF: thank you

💬 2019-10-23 Sajjad Amin: thank you

💬 2019-07-28 dipen: thank you.

💬 2015-12-06 Herong: D, maybe you can start with What Is Unicode? .

💬 2015-12-05 d gayen: i want to understand what is unicode

Shift-JIS Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of Shift-JIS, also called MS Kanji, encoding, which maps a JIS X0208 character to a 2-byte sequence using a complicated schema designed by Microsoft.
2024-11-14, ∼4097🔥, 10💬

💬 2022-03-12 ddfdfd: hey how are you

💬 2021-12-01 lakshay: what is shift-jis encoding

💬 2020-09-18 Utkarsj: hello hi bye

💬 2020-04-03 Qqqq: スーパー

💬 2019-07-16 Duc: かきくけこ

0600: Arabic
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Arabic', which contains 256 code points to represent alphabetic letters used in the Arabic language.
2024-01-23, ∼3598🔥, 0💬

Opening UTF-8 Text Files
This section provides a tutorial example on how to open a UTF-8 text file with Nodepad correctly by selecting the UTF-8 encoding option on the open file dialog box.
2022-03-22, ∼3517🔥, 3💬

Saving Files in "Unicode (UTF-8)" Option
This section provides a tutorial example on how to save text files with Nodepad by selecting the 'Unicode (UTF-8)' encoding option on the file conversion dialog box.
2018-07-17, ∼3505🔥, 2💬

💬 2018-07-17 Me: Very good, but Unicode (nothing else) worked for me!

💬 2016-10-08 shital p: it's works fine for me thank u

2600: Miscellaneous Symbols
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Miscellaneous Symbols', which contains 160 code points to represent more miscellaneous symbols.
2024-01-23, ∼3380🔥, 0💬

Using Microsoft Word as a Unicode Text Editor
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on using Microsoft Word as a Unicode text editor. Topics including opening Unicode text files in 3 encodings: UTF-8, UTF-16BE, and UTF-16LE; saving and opening Unicode text files with the BOM character prepended.
2023-07-13, ∼3205🔥, 3💬

💬 2019-06-01 Herong: Adriaan, I can only find the peace symbol: ☮ (U+262E).

💬 2019-05-31 Adriaan: I am a pensioner, physically disabled, wheelchair, writing a book, topic: Revolution vs Evolution. I need about 10 unicode symbo...

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2018-02-07, ∼3130🔥, 5💬

💬 2017-01-08 Herong: Rex, see my email to your qq.com account.

💬 2017-01-08 rex: how to download this book

💬 2015-09-09 mani: require more details

AC00: Hangul Syllables
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Hangul Syllables', which contains 11184 code points to represent Hangul syllables used in the Korean language.
2024-01-23, ∼2970🔥, 0💬

GB18030 Character Set and Encoding
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on GB18030 character set and encoding. Topics including history of GB character sets: GB2312, GB1300.1 (GBK) and GB18030; GB18030 encoding schema.
2022-05-06, ∼2798🔥, 7💬

💬 2022-04-23 Martins: 3c68 746d 6c3e 3c68 6561 643e 0a3c 7469 746c 653e 476e 7550 4720 70e2 7262 6175 6465 7320 fe75 726e e26c 6120 736b 6174 ee74 e26...

💬 2020-04-10 JeeHan: hí hố hồ hè

💬 2020-02-20 a: bière

Byte Order Mark (BOM) - FEFF - EFBBBF
This section provides a brief introduction on the Byte Order Mark (BOM) character, U+FEFF, used as the Unicode character stream signature when prepended to a character stream. The U+FEFF character becomes a 3-byte sequence of EFBBBF when encoded in UTF-8.
2023-06-22, ∼2683🔥, 1💬

Unicode Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This Unicode tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Unicode himself. Topics include Character Sets and Encodings; GB2312/GB18030 Character Set and Encodings; JIS X0208 Character Set and Encodings; Unicode Character Set; Basic Multilingual ...
2015-09-14, ∼2524🔥, 1💬

Saving Files in "Unicode" Option
This section provides a tutorial example on how to save text files with Nodepad by selecting the Unicode encoding option on the save file dialog box.
2024-01-22, ∼2459🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-01-22 Herong: Jimmy, I am glad this is helpful to you. And thank you for your note on Word custom dictionary files.

💬 2024-01-21 Jimmy Li: Thanks so much,this is what I'm looking for. Word custom dictionaries use this format, so any program creating custom dictionari...

UTF-32, UTF-32BE and UTF-32LE Encodings
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on UTF-32, UTF-32BE and UTF-32LE encodings. Topics including encoding and decoding logics of UTF-32, UTF-32BE and UTF-32LE encodings; explanation of the use of BOM (Byte Order Mark).
2023-01-01, ∼2429🔥, 2💬

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