Exporting Public Key Certificate from Firefox

This section provides a tutorial example on how to export the public key certificate from a personal certification with a private key from Firefox to an external file in PEM format.

After creating a backup copy of my personal certificate, I also want to create public version of my certificate, which only contains the public key. I can distribute my public certificate to others to use, like encrypt an important document so only me can decrypt with my private key.

1. Open the Certificate Manager in Firefox as described in the previous tutorial.

2. Click the "Your Certificates" tab. I see my personal certificate listed under "COMODO CA Limited".

3. Select my certificate and click "View..." button. The certificate viewer shows up.

4. Click "Details" tab and click "Export..." button at the bottom. The save file dialog box shows up.

5. Enter find a folder, enter a file name like "MyPublicKeyCert.crt", and keep "PEM" as the file type.

6. Click "Save" button. The certificate of the public key is exported. No password is asked, because private key is not included.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

 Introduction of HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

 Using HTTPS with Google Chrome

 Using HTTPS with Mozilla Firefox

 HTTPS with Microsoft Edge

 Using HTTPS with Apple Safari

 HTTPS with IE (Internet Explorer)

 Android and Server Certificate

 iPhone and Server Certificate

 Windows Certificate Stores and Console

 RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and Server Certificate

 macOS Certificate Stores and Keychain Access

 Perl Scripts Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 PHP Scripts Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 Java Programs Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 .NET Programs Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 CAcert.org - Root CA Offering Free Certificates

 PKI CA Administration - Issuing Certificates

Comodo Free Personal Certificate

 Applying Free Personal Certificate at Comodo

 Installing Comodo Personal Certificate with Firefox

 Viewing Comodo Personal Certificate in Firefox

 Backing up Comodo Personal Certificate from Firefox

Exporting Public Key Certificate from Firefox

 Installing Comodo Personal Certificate with Chrome

 Installing Comodo Personal Certificate to Windows

 Viewing Comodo Personal Certificate in Windows

 Digital Signature - Microsoft Word

 Digital Signature - OpenOffice.org 3

 S/MIME and Email Security

 PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) Terminology

 Archived Tutorials


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