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Install Miniconda 3
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install Miniconda 3. Once installed, you can start and end the Conda 'base' environment similar to a Linux shell. 2022-10-01, 100🔥, 0💬
macOS Mail Auto Configuration
This section provides a tutorial example on how to configure macOS Mail to automatically detect and select POP and SMTP services from the mail server. 2022-10-01, 100🔥, 0💬
Accept Certificate Exception in macOS Mail
This section provides a tutorial example on how to handle mail server certificate exceptions in macOS Mail. 2022-10-01, 100🔥, 0💬
Windows 10 Mail Configuration Failed
This section provides a tutorial example on how Windows 10 Mail failed to connect email services provided by Postfix and Dovecot servers. 2022-10-01, 100🔥, 0💬
Tools and Utilities
This chapter provides introductions and tutorial on Linux tools and utilities. Topics include installing Tesseract OCR engine. 2022-10-01, 100🔥, 0💬
Install Tesseract as the OCR Engine
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install Tesseract as the OCR Engine. 2022-10-01, 100🔥, 0💬
Retrieving CLOB Values with getClob() Method
This section describes how to retrieve CLOB values with the ResultSet.getClob() method. 2022-07-25, 100🔥, 5💬
Create Tables with CLOB Columns
This section describes how to create tables with BLOB (VARBINARY(MAX)) columns in SQL Server server. 2022-07-18, 100🔥, 1💬
Accessing Oracle Server through Web Interface
This section describes how to access an Oracle Server through its Web interface. 2022-06-18, 100🔥, 3💬
10330: Gothic
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Gothic', which contains 32 code points to represent Gothic alphabets used in the Gothic language. 2022-06-16, 100🔥, 1💬
0400: Cyrillic
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Cyrillic', which contains 256 code points to represent alphabetic letters used in Cyrillic languages. 2022-06-06, 100🔥, 5💬
JDBC-ODBC - Configuring SQL Server for TCP/IP Connection
This section describes how to configure SQL Server for TCP/IP connections. 2022-06-05, 100🔥, 4💬
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This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on the free XML editor and XML Schema processor, X...