Reference Citations - - v2.95, by Herong Yang
Recording Video of an Android Device
'(adb push) and (adb pull) Commands' tutorial was cited in a Microsoft Dynamics Community forum post in 2016.
The "adb push" and "adb pull" Commands tutorial was cited in a Microsoft Dynamics Community forum post in 2016.
Subject: Recording Video of an Android Device Date: Oct 17, 2016 Author: Nathan Esquenazi Source: /Recording-Video-of-an-Android-Device This guide is about how to record a video from a device. This can be done two ways: 1.Using Android Studio 2.Directly through ADB ... Directly through ADB 1.Connect your device to the computer using USB 2.Open up the terminal and find the path to adb executable on your machine. 3.Run the adb shell screenrecord to start recording cd /Users/myusername/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools ./adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/myapp.mp4 4.Press Ctrl-C to stop recording when done 5.Copy the video from the device to your computer: ./adb pull /sdcard/myapp.mp4 \local\path Additional resources and options can be reviewed: • Recording configuration and this CNET screen recording post • Copying Files to Computer With this, you can now easily record videos directly on an Android device. ... References • • •
Table of Contents
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►Recording Video of an Android Device
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