Including and using the MySql.Data.dll on your web host server

'Installing MySQL 5.5.15' tutorial was cited in an ASP.NET forum post in 2013.

The Installing MySQL 5.5.15 tutorial was cited in an ASP.NET forum post in 2013.

Subject: Re: Including and using the MySql.Data.dll on your web host server
Date: Jul 9, 2013
Author: Chomauk

Hello, I have this same problem.

I also got an error identified on line:

<add assembly="MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
   PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d" />

And when I copied the dlls into the bin directory I got the same error
as you:

Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data' or one of its
dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the
currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded

What all did you do to fix it (if it's fixed)?

In phpMyAdmin it says I have Software version 5.5.15 of mysql on the
web server. I proceeded to try and find 5.5.15 to download to my pc so
I could reference it in VS 2008 and make any adjustments.
I followed the directions for 5.5.15 and ended up with 5.5.32 which
I assume is the 32 bit version.  According to the directions
I successfully installed everything but there are no dlls in the
mysql\bin folder and I couldn't find the MySql.Data.Dll for this older

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