
'HelloServer.php - First SOAP Server Application' tutorial was cited in a form post in 2007.

The HelloServer.php - First SOAP Server Application tutorial was cited in a form post in Spanish language in 2007.

Subject: soapclient
Date: Feb 21, 2007
Author: Holydrake

Hola que tal soy algo nuevo en esto estoy usando php5 que viene con la
distribución xampp y estoy teniendo problemas para obtener una
respuesta del sevidor o sea me aparece HTTP 500 error interno del
servidor luego de haber puesto el siguiente script

<?php # HelloServer.php
# Copyright (c) 2005 by Dr. Herong Yang
function hello($someone) {
   return "Hello " . $someone . "!";
   $server = new SoapServer(null,
      array('uri' => "urn:"));

Table of Contents

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 Reference Citations in 2008

Reference Citations in 2007

 PHP 5 Soap Client - Format of Request

 IllegalBlockSizeException thrown from .NET dll: msg#00024

 Encoding problem with MySQL

 How can I view the Chinese data in my database?

 JSTL custom tags

 Trying to run forEach

 Hvor "sikker" er adgangskontrol med htaccess?

 How to add DTD syntax line into XML using java code

 Configure soap trên PHP

 how to update garbled characters

 Clr UDT Serialization

 PHP Sessions Timing Out

 "Out-of-left-field" question for any ASP/VBScript Gurus


 Trying SOAP and PHP with no luck?

 Reference Citations in 2006

 Reference Citations in 2005

 Reference Citations in 2004

 Reference Citations in 2003

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