Reference Citations - - v2.95, by Herong Yang
"Out-of-left-field" question for any ASP/VBScript Gurus
'Variable Declaration and Assignment Statement' tutorial was cited in a PC World forum post in 2007.
The Variable Declaration and Assignment Statement tutorial was cited in a PC World forum post in 2007.
Subject: "Out-of-left-field" question for any ASP/VBScript Gurus Date: Mar 3, 2007 Author: beama Source: >Can anyone tell me where I can declare a Const? Can I do it anywhere? >(As you can guess, I don't think I can!) >... ... from a bit of googling it appears that there is no data type of Const in vb scripting ( I maybe wrong here) you may have to do it the old way assign a value to variable and ensure you don't change it give it a name such as const ie dim Const = 5
Table of Contents
PHP 5 Soap Client - Format of Request
IllegalBlockSizeException thrown from .NET dll: msg#00024
How can I view the Chinese data in my database?
Hvor "sikker" er adgangskontrol med htaccess?
How to add DTD syntax line into XML using java code
how to update garbled characters
►"Out-of-left-field" question for any ASP/VBScript Gurus