Chinese Web Sites Using PHP - v2.24, by Herong Yang
Creating a Table with Multiple Character Sets
This section describes how to create a table with multiple character sets in MySQL.
In order to prepare for storing Chinese character strings in multiple character sets, I created the following table with a number of VARCHAR columns. Each of them is set to a different "character set".
1. Create a SQL script file, MySQL-Create-Table-Mixed.sql:
-- MySQL-Create-Table-Mixed.sql -- Copyright (c) 2005 All Rights Reserved. -- To run this script at mysql> prompt, use the "source" command: -- mysql> source MySQL-Create-Table-Mixed.sql -- Drop the table DROP TABLE Comment_Mixed; -- Create a new table CREATE TABLE Comment_Mixed ( Test_Name VARCHAR(356), String_ASCII VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET ascii, String_Latin1 VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET latin1, String_UTF8 VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET utf8, String_GBK VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET gbk, String_Big5 VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET big5); -- Insert a test record INSERT INTO Comment_Mixed (String_ASCII, String_Latin1, String_UTF8, String_GBK, String_Big5) VALUES ('Television', 'Television', 'Television', 'Television', 'Television');
2. Run this script with the "SOURCE" command in MySQL Monitor:
C:\herong> \local\mysql\bin\mysql -u Herong -pTopSecret mysql> USE HerongDB; Database changed mysql> SOURCE MySQL-Create-Table-Mixed.sql Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.07 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.38 sec)
Now I have a table with text columns defined with different character sets to test ASCII, Latin1, UTF-8 GBK, and Big5 encodings. Note that I didn't create any text column with GB2312 encoding, because GB2312 is subset of GBK.
Table of Contents
PHP Installation on Windows Systems
Integrating PHP with Apache Web Server
charset="*" - Encodings on Chinese Web Pages
Chinese Characters in PHP String Literals
Multibyte String Functions in UTF-8 Encoding
Input Text Data from Web Forms
Input Chinese Text Data from Web Forms
MySQL - Installation on Windows
MySQL - Connecting PHP to Database
►MySQL - Character Set and Encoding
Specifying Character Set for Text Columns
►Creating a Table with Multiple Character Sets
Checking Character Set Setting
Storing ASCII Characters in Non-ASCII Columns
Storing Non-ASCII Characters with Encoded Bytes
Transmitting Non-ASCII Characters between PHP and MySQL
Viewing Character Set Variables
Non-ASCII Test Result Analysis
Fetching Non-ASCII Text from MySQL
MySQL - Sending Non-ASCII Text to MySQL
Retrieving Chinese Text from Database to Web Pages
Input Chinese Text Data to MySQL Database