Chinese Web Sites Using PHP - v2.24, by Herong Yang
MySQL - Connecting PHP to Database
This chapter provides tutorial notes on connecting PHP scripts to MySQl servers. Topics include creating database connection objects; executing INSERT INTO, SELECT, and UPDATE statements from PHP scripts.
These sections are omitted from this Web preview version. To view the full content, see information on how to obtain the full version this book.
php_mysqli.dll - Configuring PHP MySQL Extension
Commonly Used MySQL Functions
mysqli_connect() - Creating MySQL Connections
Turning off "caching_sha2_password" on MySQL
INSERT INTO - Inserting New Records
SELECT - Running Database Queries
UPDATE - Modifying Database Records
Table of Contents
PHP Installation on Windows Systems
Integrating PHP with Apache Web Server
charset="*" - Encodings on Chinese Web Pages
Chinese Characters in PHP String Literals
Multibyte String Functions in UTF-8 Encoding
Input Text Data from Web Forms
Input Chinese Text Data from Web Forms
MySQL - Installation on Windows
►MySQL - Connecting PHP to Database
MySQL - Character Set and Encoding
MySQL - Sending Non-ASCII Text to MySQL
Retrieving Chinese Text from Database to Web Pages
Input Chinese Text Data to MySQL Database