Chinese Web Sites Using PHP - v2.24, by Herong Yang
Publishing PHP Scripts as Web Pages
This section describes how to publish PHP scripts as Web pages on the Apache server.
The verify my Apache and PHP integration, here what I did to publish a PHP script as a Web page on the Apache server:
1. I wrote this simple PHP script, hello.php, with a text editor:
<html> <body> <?php echo "Hello world!"; ?> - PHP script. </body> </html>
2. Copied this script file to Apache document directory, \local\apache\htdocs:
C:\herong> copy hello.php \local\apache\htdocs
3. View it with a Web browser at http://localhost/hello.php. The Web page resulted from the PHP script shows up correctly:
Hello world! - PHP script.
Table of Contents
PHP Installation on Windows Systems
►Integrating PHP with Apache Web Server
Downloading Apache 2.4.37 Binary for Windows
Installing Apache 2.4.37 on Windows Systems
Publishing HTML Documents as Web Pages
Configuring Apache for PHP CGI Scripts
►Publishing PHP Scripts as Web Pages
Permission Error on php-cgi.exe
charset="*" - Encodings on Chinese Web Pages
Chinese Characters in PHP String Literals
Multibyte String Functions in UTF-8 Encoding
Input Text Data from Web Forms
Input Chinese Text Data from Web Forms
MySQL - Installation on Windows
MySQL - Connecting PHP to Database
MySQL - Character Set and Encoding
MySQL - Sending Non-ASCII Text to MySQL
Retrieving Chinese Text from Database to Web Pages
Input Chinese Text Data to MySQL Database