Copay Wallet on Bitcoin Test Network

This section describes how to create Copay wallet on Bitcoin Test Network.

Before play with real Bitcoins in the Bitcoin main network with Copay, I decided to try some transactions in the Bitcoin test network first.

Here is what I did to create a new Copay wallet in the test network.

Run Copay and Click the "plus" icon next "Bitcoin Wallets".

Click "New personal Wallet" to get the "Create Personal Wallet" screen.

Enter "Test Bitcoin Wallet" as Wallet Name, and select "BTC" as the Coin option.

Click "Show advanced options" to open the advanced section, and turn on "Testnet" switch.

Click "Create new wallet" button, and enter a new password to protect the new wallet.

Finally, I have a test wallet connected to the Bitcoin Test Network!

Below are Copay startup, create wallet and wallet balance screens:

Copay Wallet on Bitcoin Test Network
Copay Wallet on Bitcoin Test Network

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of Bitcoin

 Bitcoin Blockchain

 Bitcoin Wallet

 Bitcoin Core

 Bitcoin Transaction

 Bitcoin-Qt - Bitcoin Core GUI

 Bitcoin Mining

 Bitcoin Consensus Rules

 Bitcoin Block Data Structure

 Bitcoin Transaction Data Structure

 Bitcoin Blockchain APIs

Copay - Bitcoin Wallet

 What Is Bitcoin Wallet, Copay

 Download and Install Copay on Windows

 Create First Wallet with Copay

Copay Wallet on Bitcoin Test Network

 Get Test Bitcoins to My Copay Wallet

 Create Copay Wallet Backup

 Export Copay Wallet to File

 Copay Wallet Data Size

 Create Bitcoin Payment QR Code

 Archived Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB