Tutorial Books on Computer Technologies


Tutorial Books on Computer Technologies

Bitcoin Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

  • This book is a collection of tutorial examples on Bitcoin and blockchain. Topics include Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Merkle Tree, Mining, SHA256, Wallet.

Computer History - Herong's Notes

  • This book is a collection of notes on computer history. Topics include FORTRAN, Java, UNIX, FTP, C, vi, Bourne Shell, C Shell, Bash, Tcsh, X Window System, Gopher, Macintosh, Apple, WWW.

Herong's Tutorial Notes on CD/DVD

  • This book is a collection of tutorial notes taken by the author while he was learning CD related technologies and software. Topics include CD types, physical parameters and logical formats; reading or playing, recording or burning CD, file formats used related to CDs.

Cryptography Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes

  • This cryptography tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning cryptography technologies himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners. Topics include blowfish, CA, certificate, certification path, cipher, CSR, decryption, DER, DES, digest, encryption, Java, JCE, JDK, keytool, MD5, message, OpenSSL, PEM, PKCS#8, PKCS#12, private key, public key, RSA, secret key, self-signed certificate, SHA1, SSL, X.509.

Data Encodings - Herong's Tutorial Examples

  • This book is a collection of tutorial notes and example codes written by the author while he was learning different binary data encoding algorithms. Topics include Base32, Base64, UUEncode, Algorithm.

EC Cryptography Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

  • This EC (Elliptic Curve) cryptography tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning cryptography technologies himself. Topics include rule of chord and point addition on elliptic curves; Abelian groups with additive and multiplicative notations; Elliptic curves as Abelian groups; DLP (Discrete Logarithm Problem) on elliptic curve groups; Scalar mutliplication as trapdoor function; Galois fields or finite fields with Additive Abelian Group and Multiplicative Abelian Group; Prime fields, binary fields, and polynomial fields; Subgroups and generators; Ellipic curve fields reduced with modular arithmetic; Ellipic curve subgroup and base points; EC private key and public key pairs; ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman) Key Exchange protocol; ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm); Random number issue in ECDSA; ECES (Elliptic Curve Encryption Scheme) using symmetric encryptions with shared secret keys.

Ethereum Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

  • This book is a collection of tutorial examples on Ethereum and blockchain. Topics include Blockchain, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, Mining, MetaMask, Wallet.

Linux Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

  • his book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Linux systems. Topics include using network configuration and security firewall; managing users and groups; managing files and directories; managing NTFS, CIFS, EXT4, LBA, LVM file systems; installing CentOS systems; using SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) system; DNF/YUM software package manager; managing MySQL server; developing Python and PHP scripts; using GCC C/C++ compilers; managing vsftpd - Very Secure FTP daemon; managing Postfix and Dovecot servers for emails; running Conda - Environment and Package Manager.

PKI Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

  • This PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning PKI technologies himself. Topics include CA, Certificate, Crypt::SSLeay, C#, Digital Signature, Firefox, HTTPS, IE, Java, JSSE, KeyStore, keytool, MMC, .NET, OpenSSL, PEM, Perl, PHP, PKI, S/MIME, SSL, TLS, X.509.

Sorting Algorithm Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

  • his book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning sorting algorithms. Topics include introduction of sorting algorithms: Bubble Sort, Heap Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quicksort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort; Sorting algorithm implementations in Java, PHP; Sorting algorithm performance comparison.

UML Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

  • This book is a collection of tutorial notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning UML (Unified Modeling Language) himself. Topics include UML, Modeling, Language, Diagram, Notation, Shape, Class, Object, State, Activity, Action.

Unicode Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes

  • This book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Unicode. Topics include ASCII, character set, encoding, GB, GB18030, GB2312, GBK, ISO-8859, JDK, JIS, UTF8, Unicode.

Windows Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes

  • This book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of tutorial notes written by the author while he was learning and using MS Windows. Topics include Analog, Anonymous FTP, Crossover Cable, FTP, Graphics, GIF, HijackThis, IE Addon, IIS, JPEG, Puper, RAR, Spyware, SurfBuddy, Toolbar, Trojan, Vundo, VSAdd-in, Web, WebBar, winfixer, WinRAR, WinZip, ZIP.

Windows Security Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

  • This book is a collection of tutorial notes written by the author while he was dealing with security issues with Microsoft Windows systems. Key topics include anti-virus tools, virus and trojan removal techniques, security issues with browser add-on applications.

✍: Herong

2021-02-14, 5728🔥, 0💬