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Key Schedule (Sub-Keys Generation) Algorithm
This section describes the Blowfish Key Schedule (Sub-Keys Generation) algorithm. It uses the binary representation of the fractional portion of constant Pi - 3.1415927... as initial values.
2023-06-05, 1751🔥, 3💬

💬 2023-06-05 Daniel: I don't understand how to assign key for plaintext

💬 2016-03-17 Herong: Hi Yogita, Blowfish(T) function refers the Blowfish algorithm described in the previous tutorial: Blowfish Cipher Algorithm .

💬 2016-03-16 YOGITA: what is the function blowfish(T) here? Send the pseudo code

"OpenSSL" Generating Certificates in DER and PEM
This section provides a tutorial example on how to generate certificates in DER and PEM formats using 'OpenSSL'.
2023-05-24, 14734🔥, 4💬

Illustration of DSA Algorithm: p,q=7,3
This section provides a tutorial example to illustrate how DSA digital signature algorithm works with small prime modulus p=7 and prime divisor q=3.
2023-05-03, 8481🔥, 7💬

💬 2023-05-03 Zavala: Greetings from the Tower

💬 2023-03-27 Davide: Greetings from Italy

💬 2016-03-22 Herong: Peter, I see the issue now. This example needs to be reviewed and updated. Thanks for the feedback.

💬 2016-03-21 peter winzell: x is not selected according to 0 < x < q

💬 2015-10-19 Herong: Hi Marian, do you have a question about this tutorial?

(More comments ...)

EC (Elliptic Curve) Key Pair
This chapter provides tutorial notes on EC (Elliptic Curve) key pair. Topics include definition of EC private and public key pair; example of elliptic curve and subgroup used to generate good EC key pair; using OpenSSL command line tool to generate EC key pairs.
2023-03-23, 1121🔥, 1💬

64-bit RSA Key Validated by RsaKeyValidator.java
This section provides a tutorial example on how a 64-bit RSA key is validated by RsaKeyValidator.java with 3 rounds of encryption and decryption tests.
2023-03-05, 1513🔥, 3💬

💬 2018-06-09 Herong: Adrian, you are welcome!

💬 2018-06-09 Adrian: I needed in rush working 64-bit keys. You helped me a lot. Thanks! :D

mcrypt Encryption Functions
This section describes mcrypt encryption functions and 4 DES ciphers (operation modes) - 8-byte ECB, 8-byte CBC, 1-byte CFB, and 1-byte OFB ciphers.
2023-02-28, 221🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-02-28 adry: password

Converting Secret Keys to and from Byte Arrays
This section provides a quick introduction of the SecretKeySpec class and the KeySpec interface. They can be used to convert secret keys into byte arrays to store them in external files.
2023-02-22, 19796🔥, 6💬

💬 2023-02-22 aaa: 124, 52, -95, -30, 47, 95, -105, -1, -114, -38, -100, -84, 40, -3, 36, -13

💬 2019-04-22 xyz: $9$RTHhSlWL7VsguO7dbw4oiHqf6CuOIRhyl K4JGDq.TQF/OIcyeLXNbsPTz3CAW8X

💬 2018-10-20 Herong: Marco, I just did a Google translation on your comment: "I wonder what all this could be". Are you trying to ask a question?

💬 2018-10-16 Marco: mi chiedo che cosa potrebbe essere tutto questo

💬 2015-11-03 cpp: hello

RsaKeyValidator.java for RSA Key Validation
This section provides a tutorial example on how to validate RSA keys by encrypting and decrypting some random sample messages.
2023-02-19, 859🔥, 2💬

💬 2023-02-19 test: hello i m

EC Private Key Example - secp256k1
This section describes the elliptic curve, E(0,7), also named as secp256k1, and the subgroup parameters, which are used in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many other cryptocurrency apps.
2023-01-24, 2180🔥, 3💬

💬 2023-01-24 3azzi: 9awed

DsaKeyGenerator.java - Generating DSA Key Pair
This section provides a tutorial example on how to using the Java default implementation of DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) to generate DSA key pair, public key and private key.
2023-01-10, 565🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-01-10 Dontien: The tutorial was helpfull

Build New Curves with tinyec
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create elliptic curve, actually a reduced elliptic curve group, with tinyec Python library.
2022-12-27, 412🔥, 1💬

PHP Implementation of DES - mcrypt
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes about PHP implementation of DES. Topics include introduction of mcrypt library; mcrypt encryption functions; DES encryption and decryption test program and test result.
2022-12-26, 3793🔥, 7💬

💬 2022-12-07 sudarshan: hello

💬 2018-12-22 Hari: Hello

💬 2016-01-02 sivaprakash: nice

RsaKeyEncryption.java for RSA Encryption Operation
This section provides a tutorial example on how to implement RSA encryption operation using the java.math.BigInteger class. The important part of the implementation is to determine the cleartext block size, ciphertext block size, and the padding of the last block.
2022-12-15, 239🔥, 1💬

Importing Certificate Path into Firefox
This section provides a tutorial example of trying to import a certificate path into Firefox. But it failed..
2022-11-16, 119🔥, 0💬

Generating CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the 'keytool -certreq' command to generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) for the public key stored in a key entry.
2022-11-03, 119🔥, 0💬

Archived: Managing Certificates in IE 9
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use IE 9 to manage certificates installed in certificate stores.
2022-10-29, 110🔥, 0💬

Archived: Managing Certificates in Firefox 18
This section provides a tutorial example on how to access and manage certificates pre-installed Firefox 18.
2022-10-29, 121🔥, 0💬

Private and Public Keys and Related Interfaces
This section describes private and public key pairs used in RSA and DSA encryption algorithms. JDK supports private and public keys with the java.security.Key interface.
2022-10-22, 114🔥, 0💬

DES Operation Modes in JCE
This section describes what DES operation modes are implemented in the JDK JCE package, and how to use them.
2022-10-22, 116🔥, 0💬

JCE DES Operation Mode Testing Program
This section provides a tutorial example program to test DES operation modes implemented in the JDK JCE package.
2022-10-22, 113🔥, 0💬

Importing CA Certificate into IE
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use IE to import a CA certificate into the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' certificate store.
2022-10-22, 104🔥, 0💬

JCE DES Stream Ciphers Testing Program Result
This section provides results of the tutorial example on how to use DES stream ciphers provided in the JDK JCE package.
2022-10-21, 114🔥, 0💬

java.security.Signature - The Data Signing Class
This section describes the data signing and verification Java class, java.security.Signature, and its major methods like update(), sign() and verify().
2022-10-21, 125🔥, 0💬

Using Certificates in IE
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on using certificates in IE (Internet Explorer). Topics include why Web browsers need certificates; viewing the certificate from an https Web server; installing the certificate from a server; exporting a certificate from IE to a certificate file...
2022-10-21, 120🔥, 0💬

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