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Certificate File Format Summary
This section provides a summary of 5 commonly used file formats of PKI certificates: DER, PEM, PKCS7 Binary, PKCS7 Text, and PKCS12. 2024-12-14, ∼112🔥, 0💬
Certificate Wrapped in PKCS7 Formats
This section provides a quick introduction of the certificate PKCS7 file format, which wraps one or more certificates under a single ASN.1 structure. 2024-12-14, ∼109🔥, 0💬
"openssl.cnf" Example and Usages
This section describes OpenSSL CA database files, including the primary database file 'index.txt' and the serial number file 'serial'. 2024-11-27, ∼167🔥, 0💬
Add "keyUsage" into Root CA
This section provides a tutorial example on how to add 'keyUsage' and other X509v3 extensions to a self-signed root CA certificate. 2024-11-27, ∼151🔥, 0💬
What Is ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)
This section introduces ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One), which is a language that allows you to define your own constructed data types. 2024-11-27, ∼147🔥, 0💬
OIDs Used in PKI Certificate
This section introduces OIDs (Object IDentifiers) used in PKI certificates to represent attribute names and predefined reference values. 2024-11-27, ∼129🔥, 0💬
Certificate Data Fields and X.509 Standard
This section describes the structure and data fields of PKI certificates, which are specified in RFC 5280 based on the X.509 standard. 2024-11-27, ∼126🔥, 0💬
Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format. 2024-11-27, ∼121🔥, 0💬
PKI Certificate File ASN.1 Parser
This section provides a quick introduction on ASN.1 parsers, which can be used to parse PKI certificates back to ASN.1 data structure. 2024-11-27, ∼118🔥, 0💬
Most Popular Certificate Authorities
This section provides a list of most popular certificate authorities. 2024-11-27, ∼116🔥, 0💬
"keytool -storetype pkcs12" - Limitations and Errors
This section provides tutorial examples showing limitations and errors of the 'keytool -storetype pkcs12' command. 2024-11-27, ∼115🔥, 0💬
Export Key Pair using "keytool -importkeystore"
This section provides a tutorial example on how to export a private/public key pair from a KeyStore file using the 'keytool -importkeystore'. 2024-11-27, ∼114🔥, 0💬
"openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl" - PKCS7 Certificate File
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create a PKCS7 file with a single certificate using the 'openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl' command. 2024-11-27, ∼113🔥, 0💬
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