Digital ID Needed to Sign Word Documents

This section describes the requirement of adding a digital signature in MS Word: you need to purchase a digital ID (a personal certificate) from a 3rd party vendor.

Now let's use John Smith as an example to experiment MS Word's digital signature function. Since John is new to digital signature technology, he has no personal certificate (MS Word calls it as personal digital ID) installed on his Windows computer.

When John finishes writing a document, he wants to add a digital signature to the document. In MS Word 2007, John can create a digital ID by Word itself.

But in newer version of Word, when John clicks "File > Info > Protect Document > Add a Digital Signature", he gets the "Get a Digital ID" message box:

To sign a Microsoft Office document you need a digital ID, 
would you like to get one from a Microsoft Partnet now?

If John clicks "Yes", he is redirected to the Find digital ID or digital signature services Web page at -b06cfc76-56a1-4a74-b2dd-91a55de79cdf. The Web page asks John to purchase a digital ID (a personal certificate and its private key) from 3rd party vendors: Comodo, GlobalSign, or IdenTrust.

Get a Digital ID in MS Word
Get a Digital ID in MS Word

John checks out prices on those 3rd party Websites:

Vendor       Price

Comodo       Free - For personal use
Comodo       $27.16/year - For business use
GlobalSign   $369.00/year
IdenTrust    No price published
DigiCert     $379.00/year

Last update: 2018.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

 Introduction of HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

 Using HTTPS with Google Chrome

 Using HTTPS with Mozilla Firefox

 HTTPS with IE (Internet Explorer)

 Perl Scripts Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 PHP Scripts Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 Java Programs Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 Windows Certificate Stores and Console

 .NET Programs Communicating with HTTPS Servers - Root CA Offering Free Certificates

 PKI CA Administration - Issuing Certificates

 Comodo Free Personal Certificate

Digital Signature - Microsoft Word

 What Is Digital Signature?

 PKI Digital Signature

 Protecting Word Document with Digital Signatures

Digital ID Needed to Sign Word Documents

 Adding Digital Signature in Word Documents

 View Digital Signatures in Word Documents

 Add Visible Digital Signatures in Word Documents

 Obtaining a Trial Digital ID from DocuSign

 Digital Signature - 3

 S/MIME and Email Security

 PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) Terminology

 Outdated Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB