JDK Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v6.32, by Herong Yang
java.time.Instant - get(INSTANT_SECONDS) Error
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use getLong() to retrieve INSTANT_SECONDS value. Using get() will result an exception.
While testing the get() method, I noticed an unexpected error with the INSTANT_SECONDS field. Here is the test program InstantSecondsError.java:
/* InstantSecondsError.java * Copyright (c) HerongYang.com. All Rights Reserved. */ import java.time.Instant; class InstantSecondsError { public static void main(String[] a) { java.io.PrintStream out = System.out; // Instant now = Instant.now(); Instant now = Instant.parse("2014-04-01T05:48:41.750Z"); out.println("toString() = " + now.toString()); out.println("getEpochSecond() = " + now.getEpochSecond()); out.println("getNano() = " + now.getNano()); out.println("isSupported(DAY_OF_WEEK) = " + now.isSupported( java.time.temporal.ChronoField.DAY_OF_WEEK)); // Unsupported field: DayOfWeek // out.println("get(DAY_OF_WEEK) = " + now.get( // java.time.temporal.ChronoField.DAY_OF_WEEK)); out.println("isSupported(NANO_OF_SECOND) = " + now.isSupported( java.time.temporal.ChronoField.NANO_OF_SECOND)); out.println("get(NANO_OF_SECOND) = " + now.get( java.time.temporal.ChronoField.NANO_OF_SECOND)); out.println("isSupported(INSTANT_SECONDS) = " + now.isSupported( java.time.temporal.ChronoField.INSTANT_SECONDS)); // Need to use getLong() to retrieve INSTANT_SECONDS value out.println("getLong(INSTANT_SECONDS) = " + now.getLong( java.time.temporal.ChronoField.INSTANT_SECONDS)); // The get() call will throw an exception out.println("get(INSTANT_SECONDS) = " + now.get( java.time.temporal.ChronoField.INSTANT_SECONDS)); } }
When running InstantSecondsError.java with JDK 9 or higher, I got the following output:
herong> java InstantSecondsError.java toString() = 2014-04-01T05:48:41.750Z getEpochSecond() = 1396331321 getNano() = 750000000 isSupported(DAY_OF_WEEK) = false isSupported(NANO_OF_SECOND) = true get(NANO_OF_SECOND) = 750000000 isSupported(INSTANT_SECONDS) = true getLong(INSTANT_SECONDS) = 1396331321 Exception in thread "main" java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException: Unsupported field: InstantSeconds at java.base/java.time.Instant.get(Instant.java:567) at InstantSecondsError.main(InstantSecondsError.java:29)
Note that the INSTANT_SECONDS value is a "long" value, you need to use getLong() method to retrieve its value. If you use the get() method, you will get an exception. Thanks to G, who pointed out this in a comment on the Web version of this book.
When running InstantSecondsError.java with JDK 1.8, I got an different exception:
herong> \progra~1\java\jdk1.8.0\bin\java InstantSecondsError toString() = 2014-04-01T05:48:41.750Z getEpochSecond() = 1396331321 getNano() = 750000000 isSupported(DAY_OF_WEEK) = false isSupported(NANO_OF_SECOND) = true get(NANO_OF_SECOND) = 750000000 isSupported(INSTANT_SECONDS) = true getLong(INSTANT_SECONDS) = 1396331321 Exception in thread "main" java.time.DateTimeException: Invalid value for InstantSeconds (valid values -9223372036854775808 - 9223372036854775807): 1396331321 at java.time.temporal.ValueRange.checkValidIntValue(ValueRange.java... at java.time.temporal.ChronoField.checkValidIntValue(ChronoField.java... at java.time.Instant.get(Instant.java:569) at InstantSecondsError.main(InstantSecondsError.java:27)
The exception message is very confusing. "(valid values -9223372036854775808 - 9223372036854775807): 1396331321" looks ok to me. The value, 1396331321, is perfectly in the range.
Table of Contents
java.time.Instant - Representing a Moment of Time
java.time.Instant Usage Examples
►java.time.Instant - get(INSTANT_SECONDS) Error
Converting java.util.Date to java.time.Instant
java.time.ZonedDateTime - Calendar and Timezone
java.time.ZonedDateTime Usage Examples
Converting java.util.GregorianCalendar to java.time.ZonedDateTime
java.time.OffsetDateTime - Calendar and UTC Offset
java.time.OffsetDateTime Usage Examples
java.time.LocalDateTime - Local Date and time without Timezone
Partial Date and Time Objects and Classes
java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter - Date-Time Strings
java.time.Duration - Time Durations
java.time.Duration Usage Examples
java.time.Period - Periods in Days and Months
java.time.Period Usage Examples
Date, Time and Calendar Classes
Date and Time Object and String Conversion
Number Object and Numeric String Conversion
Locales, Localization Methods and Resource Bundles
Calling and Importing Classes Defined in Unnamed Packages
HashSet, Vector, HashMap and Collection Classes
Character Set Encoding Classes and Methods
Encoding Conversion Programs for Encoded Text Files
Datagram Network Communication
DOM (Document Object Model) - API for XML Files
DTD (Document Type Definition) - XML Validation
XSD (XML Schema Definition) - XML Validation
XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language)
Message Digest Algorithm Implementations in JDK
Private key and Public Key Pair Generation
PKCS#8/X.509 Private/Public Encoding Standards
Digital Signature Algorithm and Sample Program
"keytool" Commands and "keystore" Files
KeyStore and Certificate Classes
Secret Key Generation and Management
Cipher - Encryption and Decryption
The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Protocol
SSL Socket Communication Testing Programs