Guest book Main Script

This section describes the main guest book script, uses the configuration file, page layout template file, the utility script library and the CSS file

Once we understand the database, configuration, and template, we are ready to look at the guestbook main page, default.asp. The main objectives of default.asp are:

1. Takes a topic id from the query string so that it can be invoked for any given topics defined in the database.

2. Displays then content of the given topic.

3. Displays all existing comments associated with the given topic.

4. Offers a blank form to allow visitors to enter their comment for the given topic.

5. Stores new comment into database, when a visitor submits the form.

Here is the source code of default.asp:

<!--#include file=''-->
'  comment_default.asp
'  Comment default page
'  hyBook version 2006.01.01
'  Copyright (c) 2006 by Dr. Herong Yang,

   Dim bgShowTopic, bgShowCommentList, bgShowCommentNew, ngTopicID
   Dim sgError, sgNotice
   Dim sgName, sgEmail, sgContent
   bgShowTopic = True
   bgShowCommentList = True
   bgShowCommentNew = True
<!--#include file=''-->
Sub opening

'  Checking query string and form data
   sTopicID = myTrim(Request.Querystring("TopicID"),6)
   ngTopicID = Clng(sTopicID)

   If Request.Form("submit") = "Submit" Then
      sgName = myTrim(Request.Form("Name"),40)
      sgEmail = myTrim(Request.Form("Email"),40)
      sgContent = myTrim(Request.Form("Content"),2000)
      sTopicID = myTrim(Request.Form("TopicID"),6)
      ngTopicID = Clng(sTopicID)

      sgName = removeHTML(sgName)
      sgContent = removeHTML(sgContent)

      bOK = True

'     Checking submit limit
      If bOK Then
         bOK = validateSubmitLimit
      End If

'     Checking ngTopicID
      If bOK Then
         bOK = validateTopicID
      End If

'     Checking required values
      If bOK Then
         bOK = validateRequiredValue
      End If

'     Checking to stop re-post
      If bOK Then
         bOK = validateRepost
      End If

'     Submit data
      If bOK Then
         sName = Replace(sgName, "'", "''")
         sEmail = Replace(sgEmail, "'", "''")
         sContent = Replace(sgContent, "'", "''")
         sAddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
         sSQL = "INSERT INTO [hyComment] ([Name]," _
            & " [Email]," _
            & " [TopicID]," _
            & " [Content]," _ 
            & " [Timestamp]," _
            & " [IpAddress])" _
            & " VALUES ('" & sName & "'" _
            & ", '" & sEmail & "'" _ 
            & ", " & ngTopicID _ 
            & ", '" & sContent & "'" _ 
            & ", #" & date() & "#" _
            & ", '" & sAddress & "')"
         If bgDebug Then
            ogDebug.WriteLine("sSQL = " & sSQL)
         End If
         sgNotice = "Your comment has been added. Thank you!"
         sgName = ""
         sgEmail = ""
         sgContent = ""
         sgName = Server.HTMLEncode(sgName)
         sgEmail = Server.HTMLEncode(sgEmail)
         sgContent = Server.HTMLEncode(sgContent)
      End If
   End If

   If ngTopicID = 0 Then
      ngTopicID = ngDefaultTopicID
   End If

End Sub

Function validateSubmitLimit
   sAddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
   dYesterday = DateAdd("D", -1, DATE())
   Set rSelect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
   sSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM [hyComment]" _
      & " WHERE [IpAddress] = '" & sAddress & "'" _ 
      & " AND [Timestamp] > #" & dYesterday & "#"
   rSelect.Open sSQL, ogConn
   If bgDebug Then
      ogDebug.WriteLine("Count = " & rSelect.Fields(0))
   End If
   If rSelect.Fields(0) < ngSubmitLimit Then
      validateSubmitLimit = True
      sgError = "You have reached your submission limit." _
         & " Please submit your comment later."
      validateSubmitLimit = False
   End If
   set rSelect = Nothing
End Function

Function validateTopicID
   Set rSelect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
   sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [hyTopic] WHERE [ID] = " & ngTopicID
   rSelect.Open sSQL, ogConn
   If NOT rSelect.EOF Then
      validateTopicID = True
      sgError = "Invalid topic ID. Please return to home page."
      validateTopicID = False
   End If
   set rSelect = Nothing
End Function

Function validateRequiredValue
   If sgName <> "" AND sgContent <> "" AND sTopicID = "" Then
      validateRequiredValue = True
      sgError = "Missing required values." _
         & " Please update the form and submit it again."
      validateRequiredValue = False
   End If
End Function

Function validateRepost
   sName = Replace(sgName, "'", "''")
   sEmail = Replace(sgEmail, "'", "''")
   sContent = Replace(sgContent, "'", "''")
   sAddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
   dYesterday = DateAdd("D", -1, DATE())
   Set rSelect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
   sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [hyComment]" _
      & " WHERE [IpAddress] = '" & sAddress & "'" _
      & " AND [Timestamp] > #" & dYesterday & "#" _
      & " AND [Name] = '" & sName & "'" _
      & " AND [Email] = '" & sEmail & "'" _
      & " AND [Content] = '" & sContent & "'" _
      & " AND [TopicID] = " & ngTopicID 
   If bgDebug Then
   End If

   rSelect.Open sSQL, ogConn
   If rSelect.EOF Then
      validateRepost = True
      sgError = "You are reposting exactly the same comment." _ 
         & " Replease review your comment and post it again."
      validateRepost = False
   End If
   set rSelect = Nothing
End Function

Sub outputHeader
   Response.Write("<p class=hy_title>")
End Sub

Sub outputBody
   If sgError <> "" Then 
      sgError = ""
   End If

   If sgNotice <> "" Then 
      sgNotice = ""
   End If

   If bgShowTopic Then 
   End If
   If bgShowCommentList Then 
   End If
   If bgShowCommentNew Then 
   End If   
End Sub

Sub outputFooter
   ' Do nothing
End Sub

Sub closing
End Sub

Function htmlTopic(ngTopicID)
   Set rsTopic = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
   sSQL = "SELECT * FROM hyTopic WHERE ID=" & ngTopicID
   If bgDebug Then
   End If
   rsTopic.Open sSQL, ogConn
   If NOT rsTopic.EOF Then
      Response.Write("<table class=hy_topic cellspacing=0" _ 
         & " cellpadding=5><tr class=hy_topic_subject><td>")
      Response.Write("</td></tr><tr class=hy_topic_content><td>")
      Response.Write(replace(rsTopic("Content"), vbcrlf, "<br>"))
      htmlError("Invalid input data. Please return to home page.") 
      bgShowCommentList = False
      bgShowCommentNew = False
   End If
   set rsTopic = Nothing
End Function

Function htmlCommentNew(ngTopicID)
   Response.Write("<table class=hy_comment cellspacing=0" _ 
      & " cellpadding=5>")
   Response.Write("<form action=" _ 
      & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & " method=post>")
   Response.Write("<input type=hidden name=TopicID" _
      & " value=""" & ngTopicID & """>")
   Response.Write("<tr><td class=hy_comment_label>Your Name:</td>" _ 
      & "<td><input type=text size=40 maxlength=40 name=Name" _
      & " value=""" & sgName & """>(Req.)</td></tr>")
   Response.Write("<tr><td class=hy_comment_label>Your E-mail:</td>" _
      & "<td><input type=text size=40 maxlength=40 name=Email" _
      & " value=""" & sgEmail & """>(Opt.)</td></tr>")
   Response.Write("<tr><td class=hy_comment_label>Comment:</td>" _
      & "<td><textarea name=Content cols=45 rows=10 wrap=virtual>" _
      & sgContent & "</textarea>(Req.)</td></tr>")
   Response.Write("<tr><td></td>" _
      & "<td><input name=submit value=Submit type=submit><br>" _
      & "Note that your email is only for Webmaster use only." _ 
      & " It will not be displayed.</td></tr>")
End Function

Function htmlCommentList(ngTopicID)
   Set rsComment = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
   sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [hyComment] WHERE [TopicID] =" _ 
      & ngTopicID & " ORDER BY ID DESC"
   rsComment.Open sSQL, ogConn
   If rsComment.EOF Then
      htmlNotice("No comment has been submitted.") 
      Response.Write("<table class=hy_list cellspacing=0" _ 
         & " cellpadding=5>")
      Do While NOT rsComment.EOF
         Response.Write("<tr class=" & sClass & "><td><b>" _ 
            & rsComment("Name") & "</b> wrote on " _ 
            & rsComment("Timestamp") & ": <br><br>")
         Response.Write(replace(rsComment("Content"), vbcrlf, "<br>")_
            & "</td></tr>")
         If sClass = "hy_list_item_lo" Then
            sClass = "hy_list_item_hi"
            sClass = "hy_list_item_lo"
         End If
   End If
   set rsComment = Nothing
End Function
<!--#include file=''-->

Interesting things to note here:

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 ASP (Active Server Pages) Introduction

 IIS (Internet Information Services) 5.0

 MS Script Debugger

 VBScript Language

 ASP Built-in Run-time Objects

 ASP Session

 Creating and Managing Cookies

 Managing Sessions with and without Cookies

 scrrun.dll - Scripting Runtime DLL

 Managing Response Header Lines

 Calculation Speed and Response Time

 ADO (ActiveX Data Object) DLL

 Working with MS Access Database

Guest Book Application Example

 Design Overview

 Database Tables

 Configuration File

 Page Layout Template File

Guest book Main Script

 The Utility Script Library File

 Data Submission Issues

 Webmaster Administration Page


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB