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Declaring Root Elements - "element" Element
This section describes a tutorial example on how to use the Element Declaration Component to declare the root element for a conforming XML document. 2018-08-29, ∼8970🔥, 6💬
💬 2018-08-29 google: <a href="http://google.com">Google& lt;/a>
Complex Element vs. Simple Element
This section describes what is a complex element and how to declare different types of complex elements. 2020-02-11, ∼5460🔥, 1💬
XSD Schema XML SAX Validator with Error Handler
This section describes a tutorial example on how to create an error handler to be used by the validator to alter the default error handling behavior. 2021-08-26, ∼3085🔥, 5💬
"boolean" Datatype Values and Representations
This section describes the built-in primitive datatype, 'boolean' that represents 2 Boolean values of true and false. Whitespaces are allowed and removed. 2019-08-30, ∼2517🔥, 3💬
Xsd11SchemaValidator.java for XSD 1.1 Validation
This section provides a tutorial example on calling SchemaFactory.newInstance() with 'http://www.w3.org/XML/XMLSche ma/v1.1'for XSD 1.1 validation. 2019-12-19, ∼2032🔥, 3💬
💬 2019-12-19 Herong: Gopi, which part is not working?
💬 2019-12-13 Gopi: Hi, The above code i tried it is not working at all.
Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other formats. 2019-11-05, ∼1948🔥, 5💬
Installing WMHelp XMLPad Pro
This section describes what is XMLPad and how to install and run XMLPad. 2022-12-28, ∼1871🔥, 1💬
💬 2022-12-28 Usama Ahmed: I'm really interested in trying that
Assigning XML Schema Location with Namespaces
This section describes a tutorial example on how to assign schema location to a namespace used in the schema and the XML document. 2016-11-21, ∼1770🔥, 1💬
Assigning XML Schema to XML Documents
This section describes a tutorial example on how to assign an XML Schema file (XSD) to an XML document using XMLPad. 2021-10-27, ∼1051🔥, 1💬
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