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"Property Let/Set/Get" Procedures
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'Property Let/Set/Get' procedure to define public properties.
2018-11-22, ≈28🔥, 8💬

💬 2018-11-22 Herong: vba4dummies, "sEmail" is an argument of the "Let Email()" function. It will get its value when the function is called.

💬 2018-11-11 vba4dummies: What/how is "sEmail" defined as? Good explanation but doesn't help that parts of code are missing.

💬 2017-06-05 pepe: thanks!

💬 2017-04-25 utmozt: nice tutorial!

💬 2016-11-02 Herong: Christian, RegExp is a built-in class in VSScript. You can use it anywhere you want to. In this tutorial, RegExp is used to crea...

(More comments ...)

"Err.Raise()" - Raising Your Own Errors
This section provides a tutorial example on how to raise your own runtime errors with the Err.Raise(number, source, description) method. The error number should be in the range of 0 and 65535.
2023-01-28, ≈16🔥, 4💬

💬 2023-01-28 adheesh: i ment something else

💬 2016-05-07 Herong: Donald, I don't understand your question. More details please.

💬 2016-05-06 Google Chrome 50.0.2661.94 m: Google Chrome Un navigateur Web conçu pour offrir rapidité, simplicité et sécurité Obtenir de l'aide sur l'utilisation de Goog...

💬 2016-05-06 Donald Duck: Please include a list of the different possible values for number. Thanks☺

VBScript Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This VBScript tutorial book is a collection of notes and code samples written by the author while he was learning VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition) himself. Topics include: The Variant Data Type with Subtypes; Fixed-Size and Dynamic-Size Arrays; Function Arguments Passed by References and by...
2020-04-25, ∼9336🔥, 2💬

💬 2020-04-25 my name is idiot: Me wants it die

💬 2016-05-23 Herong: James, your email address is not working. Please contact me.

Passing Arrays as Arguments
This section provides a tutorial example on how to pass an array as an arguments by reference to reverse positions of all elements in an array given as the argument.
2016-02-01, ∼7852🔥, 0💬

"oShell.Exec(cmd)" - Running System Command with a Script
This section provides a tutorial example on how to run a system command with a VBScript code. Command output and status can be monitored with WshScriptExec properties.
2021-06-02, ∼7656🔥, 3💬

💬 2021-06-02 BensonLEI: Hi, all, Could you please help if any recommendation of saving the output into the local text file? Dim objShell, objExec, sLine...

💬 2016-12-14 Herong: Hari, Yes, you can try this: host = "herongyang.com" Set oExec = oShell.Exec("ping " & host)

💬 2016-12-12 hari: how can i pass a variable to the command

Using VBScript with Internet Explorer 11
This section provides tutorial example on how to enable script running and disable 'Edge' mode in IE 11 to load Web pages embedded with VBScript code.
2022-04-01, ∼6424🔥, 5💬

💬 2021-01-03 Herong: Rory, thanks for sharing the information!

💬 2020-12-29 Rory Sellers: I found this extremely clear and timely! Thank you. There was one slight deviation from what I found on my Win 10 (IE11) laptop:...

💬 2020-05-11 Herong: John, I moved your question here under the correct tutorial topic. Hope others can help you out as I don't have IE 11 anymore.

💬 2020-05-11 John: I have followed your article and Updated IE 11 3 Times Trying to get the Latest Version. But the Persist Emulation Settings Butt...

Using Visual Basic with Microsoft Access
This section provides tutorial example on how to add a Visual Basic code in Microsoft Access database to be executed as a macro on database tables.
2023-12-16, ∼6071🔥, 11💬

💬 2023-12-16 v: Thank you!

💬 2022-02-27 bob: this didnt help

💬 2021-10-27 fahis: lets go

💬 2018-08-11 Herong: trina, I will make corrections. Thanks for the comment.

💬 2018-08-11 trina: Why spreading misinformation? Pages like this are confusing for new users, with half-facts and limited instruction. First: Acces...

(More comments ...)

WSF - Windows Script File XML Format
This section describes the WSF (Windows Script File) XML format. Multiple script jobs with different scripting language can be defined in a single WSF file.
2016-04-08, ∼4669🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-04-08 Herong: Rich, can you show us your command line and the output?

💬 2016-04-02 Rich: I keep getting can't find host scrip file, can you help?

Variable Declaration and "Dim" Statement
This section provides a quick introduction of what is a variable and how variable can be declared explicitly with a Dim statement and implicitly with an assignment statement.
2017-12-30, ∼4216🔥, 3💬

💬 2014-12-14 Herong: Peter, Yes, you are correct. DIM is an abbreviation for "Declare in Memory", see " Siebel VB Language Reference " published by O...

💬 2014-12-01 Peter: Ehm DIM stands for "dimension"? Or perhaps it's an abbreviation for "Declare in memory"..

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2016-04-25, ∼3775🔥, 6💬

💬 2016-04-25 Vigneshwaran: This will going to be very helpful to me. Thanks in advance

💬 2015-12-02 davod: thanks for your help

💬 2015-11-30 Michael Collins: Thanks

💬 2015-11-30 Kipkorir Gideon (gdnchrt@gmail.c: It's A Nice Tutorial,

💬 2015-10-19 om: hi all thanks for providing such things

(More comments ...)

Running VBScript Code Files
This section provides a tutorial example on how to run a VBScript file with or without 'cscript/wscript' command.
2015-08-09, ∼3593🔥, 1💬

💬 2015-08-09 mll: p

Including VBScript Code as External Files
This section provides a quick description of how to save VBScript code into separate files and include them into HTML documents with 'script' tags. A tutorial example is provided on calling a function stored in a separate VBScript file.
2022-01-02, ∼3356🔥, 4💬

💬 2022-01-02 Herong: Cody, you can try the suggestion in VBScript Support in IE Web Browsers

💬 2021-12-28 Cody Shmaz: Is it possible to right a MsgBox() on a web page? thanks!

💬 2017-01-21 Herong: Jason, I am not sure if that is doable to install a printer with a VB script on a Web page. May be make the image as a download ...

💬 2017-01-19 Jason: Have vb script created that will map network printers on our network, created page on IIS for users to use and want them to clic...

"On Error GoTo 0" - Turning off Error Handling
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'On Error GoTo 0' to turn off the error handling flag in a procedure to catch the first runtime error.
2019-12-02, ∼2999🔥, 1💬

💬 2019-12-02 toto: oui

Scripting Runtime DLL Library Overview
This section describes the Scripting Runtime DLL library, scrrun.dll, which offers Dictionary objects to store pairs of keys and values. scrrun.dll also offers FileSystemObject objects for you to manage local file systems.
2018-06-17, ∼2033🔥, 2💬

💬 2018-06-17 Herong: Julianna, Can you just terminate the script process with Task Manage?

💬 2018-06-14 Julianna: how to stop a running scrip on window 10?

VBScript Support in IE Web Browsers
This section provides a quick description of how IE browser execute VBScript code, provide DOM API for document interaction, and provide events to trigger VBScript code execution.
2016-03-19, ∼1909🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-02-15 hs: mein Test

Using VBScript with Internet Information Services
This section provides tutorial example on how to embed a VBScript code in a HTML document to be executed by IIS (Internet Information Services) on the server machine.
2021-11-23, ∼1406🔥, 1💬

💬 2021-11-23 ttag: <script> alert('lol') </script>

"MatchCollection" and "SubMatches" Collection Objects
This section describes two collection objects, MatchCollection and SubMatches. All collection objects share the Count property and the Item(i) method.
2016-02-26, ∼1337🔥, 0💬

ASP Objects: Request, Response, Session and Application
This section describes additional objects provided by ASP: Request, Response, Session and Application. Your server-side VBScript code will use those objects to convert static Web pages into Web-based applications.
2023-03-01, ∼1226🔥, 9💬

Including VBScript Code with HTML "script" Tags
This section provides a quick description of how to include VBScript code into HTML documents with 'script' tags. A tutorial example is provided on calling a function defined in the 'head' tag.
2018-10-11, ∼1156🔥, 3💬

Error Handling Flag and the "Err" Object
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes on runtime error handling. Topics include the default error handling behavior; 'On Error Resume Next' and 'On Error GoTo 0' statements; catching errors with (Err.Number > 0); clear Err object with Err.Clear(); raise your own errors with Err.Ra...
2016-09-27, ∼1144🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-09-27 lakshmi: nice explaination

Variant Data Type, Subtypes, and Literals
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes about VBScript data type and literal. Topics include what is a Variant; what are data subtypes; data literals for Integer, Long, Single, Double, String, Boolean, and Date.
2016-12-06, ∼1040🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-12-06 M: Thank you!

Using VBScript with WSH (Windows Script Host)
This section provides tutorial example on how to run a simple VBScript code file with the Windows Script Host tool.
2015-08-31, ∼870🔥, 1💬

Introduction of Arithmetic Operations
This section provides a quick introduction of arithmetic operations supported by VBScript: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, remainder, and exponentiation.
2016-03-20, ∼831🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-03-20 Herong: Hi Saranyakumar, if you want to run VBScript code as standalone application, you can use WSH (Windows Script Host), which will a...

💬 2016-03-18 saranyakumar: the above example is OK but we need to get a input at runtime but it is useful......

Creating a Copy of an Array
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create a copy of an array quickly with the array assignment statement.
2022-10-01, ∼830🔥, 0💬

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