What Is "character" Formatting Object?

This section describes 'character' formatting object, which is an inline-level formatting object that represents a single character on the output device.

What Is "character" Formatting Object? "character" is an inline-level formatting object that represents a single character on the output device.

An "character" formatting object has no XML content. Its character value is specified by an attribute together with other attributes:

Here is my tutorial example, inline-container-with-Width.fo that has a "block-container" formatting object with width specified:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- character-Formatting-Object.fo
 - Copyright (c) 2006 HerongYang.com. All Rights Reserved.
<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
  <fo:simple-page-master master-name="page" 
   margin="0.1in" page-height="4in" page-width="3in">
   <fo:region-body region-name="body" background-color="#eeeeee"/>
 <fo:page-sequence master-reference="page">
  <fo:flow flow-name="body">
   <fo:block margin="0.1in" padding="0.2in"
    border-width="1px" border-style="solid"
    background-color="#eeffff" color="#000000" 
    font-family="sans-serif" font-size="10pt">
    <fo:inline font-size="20pt">
    <fo:character character="" border-width="1px" 
     border-style="solid" padding-top="5pt"/>
    <fo:character character="" border-width="1px" 
     border-style="solid" padding-top="5pt" color="red"/>
    <fo:character character="" border-width="1px" 
     border-style="solid" padding-top="5pt" color="red"/>
    <fo:character character="" border-width="1px" 
     border-style="solid" padding-top="5pt"/>
    Poker is a family of gambling card games. 
    All poker variants involve betting as an intrinsic part of play, 
    and determine the winner of each hand according to the 
    combinations of players' cards, at least some of which remain 
    hidden until the end of the hand.

If you process this example XSL-FO document with Apache FOP tool and view the output, you will see that "character" formatting objects are nicely processed into inline areas showing poker suit signs:

'character' Formatting Objects
"character" Formatting Objects

Note that you may warning messages as shown below if your system does not support the poker symbol.

... org.apache.fop.events.LoggingEventListener processEvent
WARNING: Glyph "" (0x2660, spade) not available in font "Helvetica".

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of XSL-FO

 Apache™ FOP (Formatting Objects Processor)

 RenderX XEP as an XSL-FO Tool

 Introduction of Area Model

 XSL-FO Document Basics and Examples

 Page Layout Masters

 Block-Level Formatting Objects

Inline-Level Formatting Objects

 What Are Inline-Level Formatting Objects?

 What Is "inline" Formatting Object?

 "inline" Splitting for Line Break

 What Is "line-height" Attribute?

 What Is "baseline-shift" Attribute?

 "inline" with Mixed Content

 FOP Failed on "block" inside "inline"

 What Is "inline-container" Formatting Object?

What Is "character" Formatting Object?

 What Is "leader" Formatting Object?

 What Are "page-number*" Formatting Objects?

 Including Graphics in XSL-FO document

 Table of Rows and Columns

 List, Item, Label, and Body

 Floating Blocks - "float" and "footnote"

 Hyperlinks, Table of Contents and Indexes

 Headers and Footers using "static-content"

 Font Attributes and Font Families

 Apache FOP Font Configurations

 RenderX XEP Font Configurations

 Converting HTML to PDF


 Full Version in PDF/ePUB