PHP on the fly flush xml to zipfile and push download

'Create ZIP Archive for Download' tutorial was cited in a post in 2021.

The Create ZIP Archive for Download tutorial was cited in a post in 2021.

Subject: PHP on the fly flush xml to zipfile and push download
Date: 2021-12-24
Author: Harmony Lloyd

If I have understood correctly, the goal is to create gzip compressed data
dynamically, without creating a file on the server. This is possible with
deflate_init and deflate_add, but requires PHP 7.

Answer by Harmony Lloyd

If you have data items from database for Users to download from a Web server,
you may want to ZIP them on the fly so users can download them in a single ZIP
file. ,The next option is to retrieve data items from database in memory, ZIP
them in a temporary file and remove it after sending it to user's browser. 

Here is an example script that creates a new ZIP archive in temporary file with
dynamic data items. The ZIP archive is then pushed to client browser.
#  zip-in-temp-file.php
#- Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved.

  $dir = "msg";
  $file = 'hello.txt';

  $tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
  $zipFile = tempnam($tmpDir, "ZIP");

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