Help with plugins installation

'Configuring PHP OpenSSL on Windows' tutorial was cited in a article in 2019.

The Configuring PHP OpenSSL on Windows tutorial was cited in a article in 2019.

Subject: Help with plugins installation please !!!
Date: Oct 10, 2019
Author: turnermm

Hello, I installed DokuWiki Release 2018-04-22 "Greebo" on QNAP NAS.

I am trying to install the Wrap Plugin (plugin by Anika Henke).

In the administrative console, I am using extension manager. Through
the plugin search box, I find Wrap Plugin and many others (internet
connection works).

The Extension manager will generally fail if installing from github
and your server does not have ssl enabled for PHP.  To check if your
installation is missing support for SSL, unzip the attached file and
place the index.php script in your topmost directory, then open it
in your browser.  If you already  have an index.php in the directory
then give it another name.  If the output does not show a section for
openssl, then you  must install it.

For Windows, see this:…

For a Linux machine use your package manager.

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 From JDBC to Druid - Using DataSource in Druid

 email – Exchange Server Configuration

 Chinese Character Encodings (gb2312/Big5/GB2312)

 Configurar DataSource JDBC

 Java Job Interview - JVM 1

 Calculating PI to N places

 Signing boot images for Android Verified Boot

 Apache Activemq as a broker to communicate with esp32 via MQTT

 BOM olmadan UTF-8 ve UTF-8 arasındaki fark nedir?

 Java – Not Able to jinfo on Mac OS

 Converting String using Float.parseFloat

 How to call Http.GetStringAsync with parameter

 Adding SVG Images in Rmarkdown

 ClassNotFoundException com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

 Imaging Audio CDs using the command line


 PKCS5 and PKCS7 Paddings

 KSA Key Scheduling

 Connect ODBC to MS Access

Help with plugins installation

 java vm: how to log class unloading

 Detecting Encoding from POST Request in PHP

 Chinese Calendar for Linux Desktop

 Connect to SPOP3 Server using Java (Sockets)

 XML Schema - Multiple Root Elements

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