Reference Citations - - v2.94, by Herong Yang
12c... webtier up, Oracle managment server down
'Running Java HotSpot Client VM' tutorial was cited in an Oracle Community forum post in 2012.
The Running Java HotSpot Client VM tutorial was cited in an Oracle Community forum post in 2012.
Subject: 12c... webtier up, Oracle managment server down Date: May 23, 2012 Author: EricvdS Source: >running Cloud Control on Windows 2008 R2 64bit server.. >also installed is database >and grid stand alone used for ASM > >everything works fine after install >once rebooted: >OracleManagmentServer_EMGC_OMS1_1 Service wont start. >OracleWeblogicNodeManager_EMGC_OMS1_1 Service wont start. >... If you search the registry for OracleWeblogicNodeManager_EMGC_OMS1_1 (this is the servicename) you will see under parameters that the commandline start with -client. If you go to the Middleware directory and do a dir/s java.exe you will find (no less then) 10 java.exe's. Reading you should find 2 versions: a client version and a server version. However all java.exe's found are server versions! This can be found by entering java -help, this shows -client is not a valid option only -server. ...
Table of Contents
bikin website dalam bahasa cina dengan php
nsIConverterOutputStream handling GB2312 characters
AbstractMethodError while calling PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream()
how to invoke web service without generating a client
Sample program to test SSL Connection with certicates
How to know KeyManager given a keystore
once again: classpath and ojdbc14.jar
►12c... webtier up, Oracle managment server down
Problems with class not found exception
Spring Projects > Roo > Issue with Chinese characters
Monkey Programming/Unsigned Shift Right
Unable to get issuer certificate
How to convert keystore (from native android project) to .p12 to use with AIR project?
Installing JDBC drivers ojdbc14.jar
Quickly view the threads of your blocked Ruby application with JStack
android verify signature of file with .der public key