What Is rdkit.Chem.Draw Module

This section provides a quick introduction of the core module of the RDKit library, rdkit.Chem.Draw, which functionalities to create molecule images in different formats as displaying images, internal objects, or external files.

What Is rdkit.Chem.Draw Module? - rdkit.Chem.Draw module of the RDKit library provides functionalities to create molecule images in different formats as displaying images, internal objects, or external files.

rdkit.Chem.Draw contains the following main methods:

rdkit.Chem.Draw.MolToFile(m, f) - Generates a drawing of a molecule and writes it to a file.

rdkit.Chem.Draw.MolToImage(m) - Returns a PIL image object containing a drawing of the molecule.

rdkit.Chem.Draw.MolToMPL(m) - Generates a drawing of a molecule on a canvas of the Matplotlib plotting library.

rdkit.Chem.Draw.MolsToGridImage(ms) - Returns an image grid containing drawings of multiple molecules.

rdkit.Chem.Draw.MolsToImage(ms) - Returns a single image containing drawings of multiple molecules.

rdkit.Chem.Draw.ShowMol(m) - Generates a picture of a molecule and displays it in a Tkinter window.

rdkit.Chem.Draw also contains the following sub-modules:

rdkit.Chem.Draw.IPythonConsole - Sub-module to provide molecule image functionalities on the IPython Console.

rdkit.Chem.Draw.MolDrawing - Sub-module to provide functionalities on manipulating molecule images.

rdkit.Chem.Draw.rdMolDraw2D - Sub-module to provide functionalities on 2D molecule drawing.

For more information, see rdkit.Chem.Draw module reference document at http://rdkit.org/docs/source/rdkit.Chem.Draw.html.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 SMILES (Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System)

 Open Babel: The Open Source Chemistry Toolbox

 Using Open Babel Command: "obabel"

 Generating SVG Pictures with Open Babel

 Substructure Search with Open Babel

 Similarity Search with Open Babel

 Fingerprint Index for Fastsearch with Open Babel

 Stereochemistry with Open Babel

 Command Line Tools Provided by Open Babel

 RDKit: Open-Source Cheminformatics Software

 rdkit.Chem.rdchem - The Core Module

 rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles - Molecular File Module

 rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor - Compute 2D Coordinates

rdkit.Chem.Draw - Handle Molecule Images

What Is rdkit.Chem.Draw Module

 MolToImage/MolToFile - Molecule PNG Image

 rdkit.Chem.Draw.MolDrawing.DrawingOptions Class

 rdkirdkit.Chem.Draw.rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DCairo - 2D Molecule Drawing

 rdkit.Chem.Draw.rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DCairo - Molecule PNG Image

 rdkit.Chem.Draw.rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DSVG - Molecule SVG Image

 rdkit.Chem.Draw.rdMolDraw2D.MolDrawOptions - Drawing Options

 Drawing Diagrams with MolDraw2DCairo and MolDraw2DSVG

 Molecule Substructure Search with RDKit

 rdkit.Chem.rdmolops - Molecule Operations

 Daylight Fingerprint Generator in RDKit

 Morgan Fingerprint Generator in RDKit

 RDKit Performance on Substructure Search

 Introduction to Molecular Fingerprints

 OCSR (Optical Chemical Structure Recognition)

 AlphaFold - Protein Structure Prediction

 Resources and Tools

 Cheminformatics Related Terminologies


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