Cheminformatics Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v2.01, by Herong Yang
"obconformer" - Generate Best Conformer
This section provides a quick introduction on the 'obconformer' command provided in Open Babel package to generate best conformer.
What Is "obconformer" Command? - "obconformer" command is a command line tool provided in the Open Babel package that allows you to generate the best conformer from a base molecule.
Here is the user manual of the "obconformer" command.
NAME obconformer -- generate conformer coordinates SYNOPSIS obconformer # of conformers # of optimization steps filename DESCRIPTION The obconformer tool can be used as part of a conformational study by generating random conformers using a Monte Carlo search. The best conformer out of the batch of conformers will be output, after taking the supplied number of geometry optimization steps. By default, obconformer uses the MMFF94 force field. EXAMPLES obconformer 250 100 baseconformer.sdf >rotamer1.sdf Generate the best conformer (out of 250) of baseconformer.sdf and write it to rotamer1.sdf after 100 geometry optimization steps
Here is an example of generating best conformer using the "obconformer" command.
herong$ obabel "-:c1cc(ccc1CC(C(=O)O)N)O" -o sdf -O tyrosine.sdf --gen2D 1 molecule converted herong$ obconformer 250 100 tyrosine.sdf > conformer.sdf A T O M T Y P E S IDX TYPE 1 37 2 37 3 37 4 37 5 37 6 37 7 4 8 2 9 41 10 32 11 32 12 8 13 35 F O R M A L C H A R G E S IDX CHARGE 1 0.000000 2 0.000000 3 0.000000 4 0.000000 5 0.000000 6 0.000000 7 0.000000 8 0.000000 9 0.000000 10 -0.500000 11 -0.500000 12 0.000000 13 -1.000000 P A R T I A L C H A R G E S IDX CHARGE 1 0.000000 2 0.000000 3 -0.171000 4 0.000000 5 0.000000 6 0.073000 7 -0.138000 8 -0.067000 9 1.050000 10 -0.900000 11 -0.900000 12 -0.118000 13 -0.829000 S E T T I N G U P C A L C U L A T I O N S SETTING UP BOND CALCULATIONS... USING EMPIRICAL RULE FOR BOND STRETCHING 8-12 (IDX)... SETTING UP ANGLE & STRETCH-BEND CALCULATIONS... USING EMPIRICAL RULE FOR ANGLE BENDING 6-7-8 (IDX)... USING EMPIRICAL RULE FOR ANGLE BENDING FORCE CONSTANT 6-7-8 (IDX)... USING EMPIRICAL RULE FOR ANGLE BENDING FORCE CONSTANT 7-8-9 (IDX)... USING EMPIRICAL RULE FOR ANGLE BENDING FORCE CONSTANT 7-8-12 (IDX)... USING EMPIRICAL RULE FOR ANGLE BENDING FORCE CONSTANT 9-8-12 (IDX)... SETTING UP TORSION CALCULATIONS... SETTING UP OOP CALCULATIONS... SETTING UP VAN DER WAALS CALCULATIONS... SETTING UP ELECTROSTATIC CALCULATIONS... W E I G H T E D R O T O R S E A R C H NUMBER OF ROTATABLE BONDS: 3 NUMBER OF POSSIBLE ROTAMERS: 480 INITIAL WEIGHTING OF ROTAMERS... GENERATED 250 CONFORMERS CONFORMER ENERGY -------------------- 1 90.092 2 90.185 3 90.501 4 92.225 5 90.318 ... 248 90.255 249 90.081 250 90.106 LOWEST ENERGY: 90.077 C O N J U G A T E G R A D I E N T S STEPS = 100 STEP n E(n) E(n-1) -------------------------------- 1 90.077 90.077 10 90.077 90.076 20 90.077 90.077 30 90.077 90.076 40 90.076 90.076 50 90.077 90.076 60 90.076 90.076 70 90.076 90.076 80 90.076 90.075 90 90.077 90.076 100 90.076 90.075
Now generate SVG pictures for both the conformer and the base molecule.
herong$ obabel tyrosine.sdf tyrosine.svg 1 molecule converted 29 audit log messages herong$ obabel conformer.sdf conformer.svg 1 molecule converted 33 audit log messages
Open tyrosine.svg in a Web browser to see the base molecule structure:
Open conformer.svg in a Web browser to compare the best conformer with the base molecule:
Table of Contents
SMILES (Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System)
Open Babel: The Open Source Chemistry Toolbox
Using Open Babel Command: "obabel"
Generating SVG Pictures with Open Babel
Substructure Search with Open Babel
Similarity Search with Open Babel
Fingerprint Index for Fastsearch with Open Babel
Stereochemistry with Open Babel
►Command Line Tools Provided by Open Babel
List of Open Babel Command Line Tools
"obchiral" - Print Chirality Information
►"obconformer" - Generate Best Conformer
"obenergy" - Calculate Molecule Energy
"obfit" - Superimpose Two Molecules
"obgen" - Generate Molecule 3D Structures
"obgrep" - Search Molecules using SMARTS
"obminimize" - Optimize Geometry/Energy of Molecule
"obprobe" - Create Electrostatic Probe Grid
"obrotamer" - Generate Random Rotational Isomers
"obrotate" - Rotate Dihedral Angles with SMARTS
RDKit: Open-Source Cheminformatics Software
rdkit.Chem.rdchem - The Core Module
rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles - Molecular File Module
rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor - Compute 2D Coordinates
rdkit.Chem.Draw - Handle Molecule Images
Molecule Substructure Search with RDKit
rdkit.Chem.rdmolops - Molecule Operations
Daylight Fingerprint Generator in RDKit
Morgan Fingerprint Generator in RDKit
RDKit Performance on Substructure Search
Introduction to Molecular Fingerprints
OCSR (Optical Chemical Structure Recognition)
AlphaFold - Protein Structure Prediction