Removing IE Addon "Shockwave Flash Object"

This section provides a tutorial example on how to disable and remove 'Shockwave Flash Object' addon from Internet Explorer.

"Shockwave Flash Object" is a popular IE addon that allows you to play video embedded in Web pages as Shockwave Flash objects.

However, you should consider to disable it if you concerned about performance and security. Here is what I did with IE 10:

1. Click menu: Tools > Manage add-ons. You see the Manage Add-ons dialog box showing up.

2. Locate and click "Shockwave Flash Object" in the addon list. Then click the "Disable" button.

3. Double-click "Shockwave Flash Object". You more details showing up on this addon:

Name:               Shockwave Flash Object
Publisher:          Adobe Systems Incorporated
Type:               ActiveX Control
Architecture:       32-bit
Version:            11.6.602.180
File date:          Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 8:54 PM
Class ID:           {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}
Use count:          11674
Block count:        1922
File:               Flash32_11_6_602_180.ocx
Folder:             C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash

If you want to permanently remove "Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper", you can delete the file: "Flash32_11_6_602_180.ocx" from the computer.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction to Microsoft Windows

 Introduction to Windows Explorer

 Introduction to Internet Explorer

 "Paint" Program and Computer Graphics

 GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program

 JPEG Image File Format Quality and Size

 GIF Image File Format and Transparent Background

 "WinZip" - ZIP File Compression Tool

 "WinRAR" - RAR and ZIP File Compression Tool

 FTP Server, Client and Commands

 "FileZilla" - Free FTP Client and Server

 Web Server Log Files and Analysis Tool - "Analog"

 Spyware Adware Detection and Removal

IE Addon Program Listing and Removal

 What Is an IE Addon

 Removing IE Search Provider Addons

 Disabling IE Addon "Google Toolbar"

 Removing IE Addon "Google Toolbar"

 Disabling IE Addon "Yahoo! Toolbar"

 Removing IE Addon "Yahoo! Toolbar"

 Disabling IE Addon "Bing Toolbar"

 Removing IE Addon "Bing Toolbar"

 Removing IE Addon "PDF Link Helper"

 Removing IE Addon "Skype Browser Helper"

 Removing IE Addon "Lync Browser Helper"

 Removing IE Addon "Java Plug in SSV Helper"

 Removing IE Addon "Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper"

Removing IE Addon "Shockwave Flash Object"

 Removing IE Addon "Groove GFS Browser Helper"

 Removing IE Addon "Office Document Cache Handler"

 Vundo (VirtuMonde/VirtuMundo) - vtsts.dll Removal

 Trojan and Malware "Puper" Description and Removal

 VSToolbar (VSAdd-in.dll) - Description and Removal

 Spybot - Spyware Blocker, Detection and Removal

 Setting Up and Using Crossover Cable Network

 Home Network Gateway - DSL Modem/Wireless Router

 Windows Task Manager - The System Performance Tool

 "tasklist" Command Line Tool to List Process Information

 "msconfig" - System Configuration Tool

 Configuring and Managing System Services

 Windows Registry Key and Value Management Tools

 Startup Programs Removal for Better System Performance

 Winsock - Windows Sockets API

 Java on Windows

 Glossary of Terms

 Outdated Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/ePUB